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"What did you say to Saada?" Nabil stormed into her room.

She got up from her bed, switching offf her phone. "I'm sorry I'm lost. What did I tell her?"

"I'm asking you, what did you tell her?" He moved closer to her his breathe fanning her face

"I said nothing to her!" She answered pushing his chest for him to get away from her

He gripped her forearms slamming her on the wall. She groaned at the pain. "Nabil!" She shouted trying to wiggle herself away from him.

"Why did she come asking me stupid personal questions about our lives and throwing accusations of abuse?" She yelled at her face.

That was when she got what he was talking about. She did not think Saada was going to confront him, but she was telling the truth. She never told her anything.

"Are they really accusations Nabil? Or are you just afraid that someone figured you out you abusive bastard!" She spat on his face. Literally.

He wiped the spit off his face and the next thing that happened, even he couldn't comprehend what happened.

She fell on the floor, he hair tie going another direction, as he hair came loose from its bun. She held the side of her cheeks letting tears spill.

His eyes widened in shock after minutes. He then remembered he didn't take his pills that morning. Shit!


"Stay away from me!" She yelled getting up. She stomped to her bed and grabbed her phone

"What are you doing?" He asked her walking closer.

"I said move!" She screamed putting her phone against her ear.

"Who...who are you calling?"

"Haidar. he's coming to pick me from this hellhole. I've endured all you insults, both verbal and physical. But you DO NOT slap me!" She said and brought down the phone. Damn he's not picking up.

They heard a knock on the door. They both looked at each other as they sprinted for the bedroom door. Nabil came out first, and tried to lock the room.

Sauda pulled with all her strenght. "Open this door Nabil or I swear I'll keep on screaming in here" she screamed.

He managed to close the door but he opened it after hearing what she said. He pushed her to the bed and went on top of her, pinning her hands above her head.

"Will you shut up?" He gritted

"You have the audacity after slapping me, asshole?" She yelled at his face

He pointed a finger at her trying to speak but before he could, he heard someone's voice from door

"Wow! Go Nabil and Sauda, my favorite cousins" he turned to see Haidar and Abdallah standing in front of the door.
"Make me an uncle guys" He continued snickering.

"You told me to come over, but I think I'll come some other time" Abdallah grinned looking at Haidar.

Sauda managed to push him off her. "Haidar....please" she made for the door. "Take me with you I want to leave" she whimpered

"There's nothing to be afraid of Sauda. You see when married cou-"

"No no Haidar!" She cried out. "I want to leave this hell hole. I dont want to live with this man, please take me home"

Haidar looked at Abdalah, then at Nabil whom sat on the bed with his head in his palms.

"Why? What happened?" Abdallah asked looking at Nabil

"He...he slapped me Abdallah" she cried and their faces both read shock. "At least if he does it, and then apologizes things would have been better. Bit then, he does it and then just walks away like I'm some piece of shit that's just there to be his punch bag" She flared up gasping for air.

"Calm down Sauda. You're asthmatic we dont want any conplicarions now. I want you to wait for me in the living room okay?" Haidar said and hugged Sauda. Nabil's head shot up and stared at his cousin hugging her.

Haidar's eyes were also trained on him, before he let go of  her. "Have something to eat at least, I'll take you with me when I'm done."

As soon as she left, he closed the door.

"What am I hearing about you slapping Sauda?" Haidar asked already filled with rage.

"I swear, I never intended to slap her. I never meant for this to happen please dont let her go home" he pleaded. For the first time.

"Why? Do you need her? Do you love her? Then why did you slap her? Why are you being abusive to her?"

"Because I never wanted this marriage in the first place, damn it!" Nabil thundered

"Still does not justify you having to abuse her in any way"

"I didn't. Want. Her"

"Then why did you not tell Ummi and Uncle? Why did you let it get to three and a half months?" Haidar questioned.

"Do you think Ummi would have let me back down? I hate this. I hate this life. I'm sick and tired of seeing my therapist. Im sick and tired of having to see all those goddamn pills every fucking day" Nabil thundered.

"Did you take your pills?" Haidar asked him

"Stop talking about them! I want to be a normal person. Someone who has control over his emotions and doesn't have to depend on fucked up pills!"

"You have to take them to be alright Nabil. You just have to accept it. I feel like just punching you right now for what you did to Sauda. And I'm taking her with me, even if its for the night. Think of what to say to her till then" Haidar got up to leave. As he grabbed the door knob he looked at Nabil over his shoulder. "If it was Asal would you have done this?"

And that was the last thing he said before he left slamming the door shut.

Fuck! Nabil murmered to himself as he looked up, lost in his own thoughts.

A lone tear slipped out of his eye. Something he had not done for two years.


I know I said goodnight, but I had to come back XD last one now...promise. goodnight! Amigos

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