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A good morning text message woke her up as he phone vibrated. She pushed her body up switching on her phone.

Family meeting at noon

She groaned placing her head back on the pillow.

A sweet aroma hlgot her to get up again. She walked to the kitchen and met Khadija working in the kitchen

"You're awake? Sorry I'm in your kitchen, just thought to make you breakfast." Khadija said pouring her a cup of coffee "coffee?"

"Why are you apologizing I'm totally fine with it. Oh and thanks but i dont drink coffee" Sauda limped her way to the table and sat down.

She sat down thinking about how to attend the family meeting. If she showed up at the house that way, there will definitely be a big problem.

"What are you thinking about?" Khadija finally joined her on the rable. She placed a plate of chips and egg in front of her.

"I have a family meeting today, and I'm sure it's about me."

"Why dont you want to go then?"

"Because I know my family, if I show up there like this they'll definitely be a problem and trust me they won't take it lightly even if Nabil is family."

"I think they need to know Sauda-" Khadija said and Sauda shook her head. "Yes Sauda, they do"

"Wont that get Nabil in trouble?"

"Stop thinking of Nabil for the meantime and focus on yourself here. Ask yourself 'will I ever be happy if I stay?'. You need to seek your own happiness and what if what he did to you turns out more horrifying next time? Dont think of him as a cousin right now, think of him as your husband." Khadija's words pierced her heart like a knife twisting.

She swallowed hard and kept her fork aside. "I'm going to the bathroom now" she announced gerting up from the table

She had her bath and sat in the walk in closet, thinking.

Her thoughts were interrupted with a very familiar voice calling her. Her eyes widened. It was Saada.

If Saada saw he like that, she'll definitely tell the family what happened. She was too late to act as she saw her coming into the room. "What's up girlfriend" she beamed walking closrr and Sauda's heart beat faster.

"What on earth happened to you?" She asked seeing all the bruises and gauzrs on her skin. Sauda closed her eyes for some seconds. "Did...did Nabil do all this...to you?"

Saada touched her red cheeks, and she winced away in pain. Sauda hung her head low, unalble to look at Saada.

"He did do this to you! Who does he think he is?" Saada thundered and Sauda felt a tear slip down her eye.

"Thank God today is the family meeting, so everyone gets yo see what kind of man Nabil is. coward!" She yelled "as a matter of fact, where is Nabil?"

"Saada please dont say a word to Mami and Abba" Sauda held Saada bit she shrugged her hands offf her.

"You expect me to be quiet when our so called cousin abuses you in your own house. No this has to stop" Saada said phoning Haidar.


"For the last time Sauda, dont get me angry, where is Nabil?" Haidar asked her

"He's with his friends, even I dont know where they went" she answered avoiding her uncle's eyes. Her head looked down all the while, avoiding anyone's gaze.

"How long has this been going on?" Ummi asked her. She was still quiet. "Isn't someone talking to you?!" Aunt Hajara yelled and Sauda was still mum pursing her lips.

"Let his arrive, I'll deal with that boy myself. What is the meaning of this? Even if you dont like her at least consider that she is your cousin sister " Her father yelled spwaking to no one in particular

"You know this is your fault Hauwa" Mami turned to Nabil's mother.

"How is this my fault?"

"You failed to take care of your son. You failed as his mother and now he's tainted for-"

"Mami dont blame her"

"You shut up. We're all here asking you the same thing for hours but you keep insisting strong head. You keep on defending him"

"Mami I'm not defending him" Sauda cried out.

"Then what? Look at you. I can hardly say this is my daughter in front of me"

"You're all exaggerating. It's not his fault and he needs all our support"

"Nafisa take her upstairs, I'm finalizing her divorce" Abba said and Sauda's eyes widened.

"No Abba please, no" she knelt in front of him. He didnt spare her a glance. "Lets come to an agreement please" she pleaded

"Which is..."

"I go back to him after he comes back. I stay at home with someone that'll be your eye. One mistake, they tell you and you can end it." Sauda reasoned with her father. "Please be considerate Abba" she whimpered.

His eyes travelled through the room and he finally sighed. "Okay. But, he hurts one strand of your hair, I wont think twice sending him to jail"


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