Note from the Writer

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Hi Everyone, I hope you are enjoying your summer. It is so miserably hot and humid here in South Alabama, that I can't wait for my weekend of Fall to hurry up and get here. If you live in this part of hell, you understand what I am talking! I just hope wherever you are that you are having a great time!

I just wanted to say, first, thank you so much for continuing to read The Diamond S Ranch. I am truly enjoying writing this story and watching the dynamics of this family as they grow. I look forward to finding out what Elle is going to do next, right along with you.

Second, I really need to do some editing especially on the first five to six  chapters. Originally I had imported them in from Word and Word and Wattpad, do not all! I have ignored it, for the most part because I believe every time I go in there and edit and then update it notifies you that I have a new update. I didn't want it to do that. But I really need to edit because when I brought it over from Word, one thing it did was remove all my punction...yes, that was fun!  So, now when I go back to look at something I can see it and it is driving me crazy. 

To help you know when the next chapter is ready to drop, if you would like, I can just send out a message and let you know what day I will be posting it. That way you can ignore all those other notifications. I am not doing any major changes to any characters or revisions or anything like that. Just editing a few things, mostly punctuation. However, if you are aware of any continuity issues, or parts that seem confusing, please let me know. Like I have said before it is difficult to catch everything yourself. I do not mind an extra pair of eyes, it would be helpful.

Please, know that I greatly appreciate each and everyone one of you. Thank you so much for taking time to not only vote on it but to leave comments. And even when we don't always agree, I still love to hear from you. I also enjoy your suggestions. I plan for this story to be here for a while, so, any ideas you have, are truly welcomed. 

So, thanks you all and...Happy Reading!  Annette :)

PS...I promise I am not quitting or removing the story, I seriously just need to do some serious!

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