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"Sportsy! How are you?" Dave walked into the saferoom as he asked his boyfriend and coworker, wrapping his arm around him.

"I'm doing fine, Dave. How about you?"

Dave had pulled Jack into a quick kiss, happily humming a little.

"What's got you in a happy mood, Dave?"

"You! You've been on my mind all day, Sportsy."

Dave had blushed a little, shyly holding Jack's hands. "You're. Always on my mind. I can't stop thinking about you."

Jack smiled, starting to blush as well. "Aww, Dave."



Dave pulled Jack into a more passionate kiss, using his tongue to deepen the kiss. Their tongues fighting each other for dominance.

Dave suddenly pulled away, moaning a little as he kissed Jack's neck. "Fuuck. You make me so horny Jack. Just by kissin' ya I'm so worked up."

Dave slid his hands down Jack's frame, grabbing his hips as he gently humped against the other's crotch.


"Shh. Let me do all the work babe. Just sit back, and relax."

Dave sucked and nipped at the other's neck, eliciting a excited moan from the smaller man.

"Dave~ mmh."

Jack unzipped his pants with the help of Dave, pulling them down with his boxers below his knees.

Dave slowly slid down, kissing Jack slowly until he was on his knees.

"You're so beautiful darlin'. From the top of your head, to the tip of your cock, to your toes."

"Dave you're embarrassing me."

Dave laughed a little, moaning as he kissed the other's cock, making him harder. "There's the ticket. Get all nice and stiff for me baby."

Dave had shuddered a little, fitting the other's cock in his mouth, moaning as he roughly sucked.

"Oh, Dave~!"

Jack moaned out, holding Dave's head.


The shorter man thruster harshly into Dave's mouth, hearing his choked moans as he did.

"Dave 'm gonna shoot in your mouth, okay?"

Dave responded with a moan.

Eventually, Jack shot down Dave's throat, hearing him gulp it down.

Dave pulled away, biting his lip. "Yer so sexy when you're rough with me baby."

Dave sat on top of a table that was in the safe room, spreading his legs wide. "Come on, baby. I know you want me."

Jack approached Dave, pulling his pants off along with his boxers.

"Mm fuck my brains out Sportsy. I don't wanna think."

"I sure will, Davey."

The phone man made sure to not even  TRY to open the saferoom door the moment he heard the slightest moan come out from it.

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