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Laying on his bed tiredly, Jack had looked up at his ceiling. He had called in sick since he woke up with a fever. Given that he pretty much forgot what he even did yesterday but knew it wasn't healthy, he would've been surprised that he wasn't sick.

Eventually he heard his phone go off but didn't care enough to answer it. He eventually dozed off, pulling the blankets over himself before going back to sleep.

He felt something touch his leg so he opened his eyes, realizing it was Dave. He couldn't move since he currently was having sleep paralysis at the same time.

"Oh! Good morning old sport! I uh, noticed you weren't picking up so I was a bit worried."

He looked up at Jack, hoping he'd respond. "I-Is your throat hurting? Is that why you're not saying anything?"

He noticed that Jack seemed off so he put two and two together. He was quite smart after all. He gently hooked his hands under Jack's arms and pulled him up, getting on his bed to help him stay up.

Eventually, Jack could move again. He sighs softly and holds onto Dave for support.

"Dave I'm sick I dunno how close you should be to me."

"So? If I wanna get sick by you, then it's my own business." Jack laughed a little in response. "Okay, Dave."

Dave held Jack's face in his hands, kissing him softly.

"You hungry?"

Jack nodded a little. "A bit."

Dave placed a hand down by the brim of his pajama pants. "I am too. But I think our definitions are a little different. I'll go make you some soup. I saw some in the cabinet."

Dave got off his bed to go heat up some soup. When he came back, Jack had just his boxers on. "You said that you were hungry, so. I wanted the both of us to eat together."

Dave's smile creeped on his face as he approached the bed. He carefully handed Jack the soup before getting in between his legs, pulling his boxers down.

Dave licked his lips, gently going to lick and suck at Jack's tip.
Jack had a tv in his room so he turned it on with a remote, feeling a little awkward.

He ate some of his soup quietly as he watched a show. The sound of Dave 'eating' him was in the background, making him feel a bit awkward.

Dave began sucking, slowly enjoying the taste. He heard Jack moan softly, making him feel accomplished. Jack was already done with his soup. His head felt so fuzzy so he gently pulled Dave away.

"you alright?" Dave worriedly placed a hand on Jack's forehead. "you should get some more rest. But, uh. I kinda made it a little hard for ya so I'll just fix it."

He gently laid Jack down, finishing him off with his mouth. He had slowly dozed off, Dave giving him his blanket to cover him up.

After tucking him in and kissing his forehead, Dave let him sleep.

Though, he made sure to stay over just in case Jack woke up and needed something.

Davesport oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now