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Cuddling and Jack just getting some well-needed love

Jack went back home after work, flopping onto his couch tiredly and laying there. Dealing with that damn phone man was tiring.

Every small thing, he's just pestering the everloving shit out of him. God that job sucks balls.

Jack heard a knock on the door. He groaned tiredly and got up, opening the door.

"Sportsy. You doing alright?"

Jack pulled Dave into an exhausted hug, making him quite confused.

Jack let go and invited Dave in, closing the door after.

"You never act like this Old sport, are you really feeling that down?"

Jack sat down, motioning Dave to sit next to him, which he did.

"It's just,,, I'm getting tired." Dave frowned. He didn't like his orange baby being upset.

"Well, uh. Is there anything that I could do to help?"

Jack shook his head. "Just you being here helps. A lot."

Dave had began to blush a little, awkwardly looking down. "S-Sportsy come on,, you're embarrassing me.

Jack laid down, placing his legs on top of Dave's lap. " is this an invitation?"

"It's whatever you interpret it my aubergine buddy."

Dave laughed a little, gently moving his hands up Jack's shirt.

"Your hands are cold."

"Seems like you like it though."

"Mmh. I can't complain."

Dave stopped and stood up. "Ya got a blanket Sportsy?"
"Check my cupboard in my room."

Dave nodded, walking to Jack's room before bringing a blanket wrapped around him.

"Hey, Sportsy?"


Jack looked over at Dave who's held the blanket closed.

"Wanna see why one of my nicknames are 'big dicked dave'?"

Jack didn't have enough time to respond. Once Dave was pulling the blanket off, Jack immediately covered his eyes.

"Come on, old sport. I still have clothes on. I was just joking with ya."

Jack sighed, uncovering his eyes.

"Unless you would like to see Dave Jr. He'd be exceptionally happy to see you, old sport. As happy as I am."

"Come on, Dave."

Dave had chuckled, laying on top of Jack, wrapping the blanket around them

"You're heavy, Dave."
"Shut up sportsy. I know for a fact you're into being crushed."
Dave joked, making Jack blush a little.

"Wait. You actually are?"

Jack stayed quiet. Making Dave quite concerned. "O-Old sport, you're killin' me here." Jack pulled Dave's face in closer.

"Do you want to kiss me? Or do you want to get kicked out?"
"A kiss would be more delightful."

Jack wrapped his arms around Dave before initiating a kiss. Although, Dave had slithered his hands by the brim of Jack's pants.

Jack had pulled away, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "C-Can we, not do this today? I'm,, not in the mood."
Dave stopped immediately.
"Of course. I don't want to force you."

Jack had smiled at him before tightly hugging him. "Thanks Dave."

Dave had nodded, sighing quietly as he closed his eyes. "I love you."

"I love ya too Aubergine."

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