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After a long day of work, the last thing Jack wanted showed up.

"Why hello dere, old sport."

Ohh, great. It's DAVE. How wonderful.

Jack couldn't really classify him as a 'friend', more of just 'a guy at his job that he'd occasionally screw around with'. And unfortunately, it was always in his house.

Whenever Dave came over, it was either to bother him for a minute, or to just hookup.

From the way Dave looked, it's probably going to be both.

"Dave, Heyy. How are you?"

Jack thought for a moment before leaning in to awkwardly giving him a kiss, hoping that the whole hookup thing would just go and pass so he could sleep.

Dave held the other's hips and pulled him into a deeper kiss, making the orange man sigh.

Unfortunately for Jack, he did enjoy kissing Dave. More than he'd like to admit.

"That's gay, Dave."

"I can be gayer."

Jack squinted at him. He couldn't tell if he was oddly turned on, or worried.

Eh, wouldn't hurt to ask him to elaborate more.

Dave seemed to read his mind because he blew some air in his ear, making him jump.

"Done thinking now?"

"..." Jack blushed a little but walked past Dave to go watch TV.

Dave leaned over the sofa and watched the channels switch.

He hopped over and sat next to him, putting a hand over his crotch.

He looked over at him for confirmation and unzipped his pants once Jack gave him permission.

He pulled his dick out of his boxers, rubbing quickly.

Jack instinctively bucked his hips, making Dave giggle.


Dave's voice resonated in Jack's mind as he moved quicker. His cock twitching the whole time.

Jack looks over at the tv, trying to avoid how horny he was despite him moving his his hips.

Hey, maybe if he just came now, Dave would leave him alone, right?

"Mmh." Jack let out a pleased moan, making Dave feel accomplished.

"You like that?" Dave teased, moving to his ear to bite it. Jack closed his eyes and began to leak, making Dave smile quite wide.

"That's it." He started panting, seemingly gaining pleasure out of this too. Eventually Dave stopped and got on his knees, practically begging.

"Cum for me." He let out a soft moan, adding onto his sentence. "Cum right on my face."

Jack couldn't deny the way Dave acted was hot. He finally spilt his load onto Dave's face, slumping onto his couch as he felt tired.

"Yer probably asleep but, fuck I love you. I love you so much Jack. It hurts."

Jack let out a weak noise in response, making Dave quietly shush him. Eventually he went to clean himself off, cleaned Jack off, gave Jack a blanket and almost headed out until he felt something, or rather someone grab the hem of his shirt.

He knew it was Jack. Who else would it be?

He smiled to himself and went to lay Jack down, gently laying on top of him immediately after.

He admired the other man quietly, looking at his face and touching it every now and then until he started to drift off to sleep as well.

"I love you too."

It was muffled, but Dave sure heard it.

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