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A secondary chapter for 'Agony'


Jack woke up and immediately checked his phone to see if Dave texted him. He didn't.

Jack winced to himself and decided to call Dave.

Ringing... Ringing....



"Dave, hey. I wanted to talk to you about yesterday."

Dave was quiet. Jack knew he was hurting.

He inhaled nervously before continuing. "I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for what Henry did to you. I know what I'm saying probably isn't helping but-"

"You're wrong."


"You're wrong. About the not helping thing. You're helping me just by talking to me."

The both of them stayed painfully quiet until Jack spoke up. "I'll see you at work?"

Dave laughed a little. "Not unless we skip and you give me cuddles?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Fine, you drive a hard bargain aubergine man."

"I'll be there in 20 minutes, handsome."

"Whatever, Dave."

Jack hung up and smiled to himself. He was glad that Dave was feeling at least a little better. But he still felt bad.

He got ready for Dave to come over and waited by the front door.

Eventually he heard a knock and immediately opened it.

Dave raised an eyebrow and snickered. "Were you waiting for me?" Jack jokingly punched Dave on his good arm since he figured that the other one still hurt from what happened.

"Shut up and get inside, Dave." Dave walked in and shrugged. Jack closed the door and locked it.

They both went up to to Jack's bedroom and climbed atop his bed.

Dave snuggled up against Jack lovingly, closing his eyes.

Jack put a cover above the both of them and closed his eyes as well. He couldn't help Dave with what he went through, but at least he could help him get his mind off of it for a while.

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