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Jack swore he had unintentionally trained Dave. Everywhere Jack went, Dave followed closely behind.

Whenever Dave wanted his attention, he either whined for it, or openly said it.

Not that Jack was complaining. Having that man on a hypothetical leash is like finally taming a feral cat.

Sometimes even on actual leashes.

Jack originally got them as a joke but started to use them with Dave, making their sex life, kinkier than it normally is.

Jack held Dave's leash as the taller man gulped down his dick.

Jack yanked it to make Dave choke a little. He hooded his eyes, feeling bloodlust coarse through his veins.

He let go of the leash and held Dave's head down, roughly shoving his cock down the other's throat.

Dave's eyes pricked with tears as he choked against it. Not that he didn't enjoy it of course, the pain just made it better.

Suddenly Jack yanked Dave's leash, making him pull away from his cock.

"Get up."

Dave swallowed nervously, understanding his boyfriend's orders.

"Hands behind your back."

Dave joked around a little. "Police officer now, Mr jack?"

He groaned once he felt Jack grip his hair.
"Shut the fuck up. I didn't say you could talk."

Dave whined as he was bent over, his cock ached, he needed Jack now.

Jack carefully tied Dave's arms together with his own shirt. Though he was quite rough earlier, Jack was quite gentler with him. He held Dave's leash again, carefully entering him from behind.

They both sighed once Jack hit the base. He carefully picked Dave up and put him on his lap.

"You makin' me your lapdog now?"

Jack laughed a little, his laugh resonated in Dave's mind as he smiled.

"God I love you so much."

Dave tilted his head in a way for Jack to kiss him.

Dave moaned within the kiss once Jack suddenly started moving. Due to the blowjob earlier, Jack felt himself get close, pulling out to prevent himself from finishing.

He sighed tiredly, swallowing nervously.

"Dave you're so." He paused to moan against his shoulder. "You're so warm." He nuzzled Dave's back, kissing his muscles along it.

Eventually Jack entered again, gently moving his hips. Dave closed his eyes, opening his legs a little.

Dave yelped once he felt a tug on his leash again.

He closed one of his eyes once he heard Jack whisper in his ear. Twisted promises of what'd happen to him later on, a deep, dark voice seemingly oozing with lust. Dave couldn't tell if it was all in his head, but fuck if he'd be lying if he said he didn't want every, single, promise Jack made him.

Jack had pulled out again, kissing and sucking at his back.

Dave felt needy, he felt desperate.

Eventually, Dave finally gave Jack what he wanted, his needy desperate begging. With tears.

Jack's smile filled with bloodlust. He harshly bit down on his back, drawing blood.

Dave moaned out loud, closing his eyes shut.

Throughout the night, Dave got each promise Jack gave him. When they were done, Dave panted loudly, his chest heaving.

He barely stayed awake before he heard Jack say; "I love you."

Jack placed a kiss on his forehead, untying Dave's hands.

Dave put his arms over Jack, too tired to care that he was still inside him.

Jack eventually fell asleep on top of him shortly after.

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