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Jack stood quietly at a corner, seemingly waiting for someone. He stood there for a while until it got chilly. He put on his coat and zipped it up, noticing Dave arrive.

"Hey Dave!" He waved, making Dave approach him. "it's cold outside so you should bundle up." He zipped up Dave's coat and tied his scarf, kissing him on the cheek shortly after.

"thanks." Slightly darker purple blush was shown on Dave's face.

Jack gently held his hand, rubbing his thumb over Dave's knuckle. "You ready?"

"Yeah." He nodded, following Jack back to his house. They picked up some takeout that was on the way.

Jack unlocked his house, and let's Dave in first. After going inside, he followed Dave onto the couch, turning on a movie before sitting on Dave's lap. Dave was unsure where to put his hands so he carefully placed them on Jack's shoulders, pulling him closer before resting his chin on Jack's head.

Jack heard Dave let out a calm noise similar to a purr. Dave felt warm, so he couldn't help but doze off. Dave noticed that they didn't eat yet but shrugged it off. They can eat it later, it's not that late.

He watched the rest of the movie, realizing that Jack was starting to wake up so he gently kissed him on the cheek.

"You ready to eat now?" Jack nodded quietly as his response, getting up from Dave's lap and going to heat up the food. Dave followed, and gently held onto Jack as they waited.

He wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned against him. Once it was done, he let go and let Jack take it out.

The both of them sat at the table and ate quietly. Jack wasn't that hungry so he left the rest for later in the fridge. The waited for Dave to finish before cleaning everything up.

Dave flopped onto the couch, laying down comfortably, making enough room for Jack.

Jack laid next to Dave, but it was sort of a tight fit. The couch was big, but not that big. So they had to be extremely close together. Not that either of them minded, really.

Dave gently moved a hand over to Jack's chest, seemingly pulling him in closer. It was a little awkward to spoon on the couch due to the little space, so Dave had to shuffle a little to feel comfy.

Eventually he cuddled against Jack's back and started to fall asleep. Jack noticed that he was purring again, and smiled a little, a bit happy.

Eventually he fell asleep shortly after, making sure to turn off the TV without bothering Dave first.

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