promoted to being in my bed

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'yoo sportsy.'

The orange man checked his phone and groaned. He left it there until he got
'answer my texts or you're fired, asshat.'

what..? but daves not even his boss.

Jack shrugged it off and texted him back.

'Not if I fire you first shithead.'

'good luck saying that I'm fired with our lips pressed to get her, dumbass.'

Jack squinted at the text. 'Dave.. What?'

'sorry man i just had a bit too many kebabs. im not acting right.'

'Come over'


Jack almosr immediately heard the doorbell ring, making his eyebrow raise.

He opened the door and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Were you here the whole time?"

Dave walked in and closed the door, pushing Jack onto the couch.

"Maybe, maybe not."

He licked his lips before climbing on top of Jack, intertwining their legs together.

"Why so horny? We didn't even technically sext, it was just a few messages."

"You're you, of course I'm horny Sports."

Dave pulled him into a kiss, needily sucking on his tongue and moaning in Jack's mouth.

Jack protested and eventually pulled Dave off. "I told you to wait! Fuck, man."

Jack seemed annoyed, making Dave a bit sad. "Was that too much?"

"No its just that I just got my couch cleaned yesterday and I didn't wanna fuck it up again."

"S-So. We can?"

"Yeah. Cmon, Dave."

The purple man gave him a smile before getting off him, standing up.

Jack got up after him, leading him up to his bedroom.

Jack pushed Dave onto his bed, undressing himself.

Dave watched as Jack's flimsy clothing were taken off, his pants getting tighter with need.

Dave let out an audible groan, making Jack blush. "Just by getting undressed?"

Dave shushed him and made Jack finish.

After teasingly pulling down his boxers, Dave was greeted with Jack's semi-hard length.

"I still can't believe you have this tattoo."

"Shut up Dave."

Dave stuck his tongue at him before moving his mouth closer.


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