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Jack walked to the saferoom. He took off the suit and placed it at its designated spot.

He felt a pair of hands hold onto his hips from behind him. Knowing who it was, Jack sighed.

"Guess who?"

"Dave I know that it's you." The man in the darkness laughed, the hands on Jack's hips moving up to his back, and eventually wrapping around his body.

Jack noticed one hand let go of him. But he wasn't able to tell where if went. He felt a sharp feeling on his back.


The other hand moved away as well, going to pull Jack's head up.

"You're right! Though now, I can't stab ya."


Dave threw his knife aside onto a table.

"You know I love you, right?"

Jack hesitated a nod.

"Good, good."

Dave paused, holding Jack's head up to kiss and bite his adam's apple.

Once Dave stopped, Jack could feel the other man shudder. In fact, his grip weakened. "Jack. Turn around." Dave sounded, sad?

The orange man was pulled into a tight hug. Soft sniffling coming from the taller man. "Please don't leave me."

"Dave? What's going on?"

Dave stayed quiet, gently kissing his boyfriend. "Nothing. I'm fine. I love you."

Jack held onto Dave's face. "Dave. Look at me."

Dave stubbornly looked away, making Jack pull his face closer. "Dave."

The taller man blinked quietly, grabbing one of Jack's hands, interlocking them together.

"I love you too."

Dave smiled a little, kissing all over jack's face.

"Daave you're killing me here."

Dave laughed a little, letting go of jack's hand to gently hold onto his hips. He brushed his lips over jack's, sighing a little.

"You're so gay." Jack laughed, holding onto his boyfriend's shoulders.

"Says the one who's got a boner."


"Made ya look dumbass. We both know you don't pop one that early." Jack genuinely looked upset, making Dave worry a little.

"Cheer up, I was joking. Before you even think of getting one I'd already have it down my throat."

A pathetic noise came from Jack's throat as a response, making Dave laugh.

"I was joking. Can't you tell whenever I'm joking?"

Jack frowned at him. "Why're you here again?"

"Because you want me here. If you didn't you wouldn't be letting me do all of this."

Dave got even closer, seemingly talking in a whisper. "We both know how strong you really are. Hell, for a soulless fucker like you, I'm quite jealous."

Jack held Dave's face with his hands. "Are you trying to turn me on?"

Dave slid a hand down to Jack's thigh. "You're hard to please aren't you?"

Jack's expression turned into more of an uncomfortable one. "That kinda killed my boner dude."

Dave groaned, putting his head on Jack's shoulder. "Cheer up Dave." He gently rubbed circles in his back, making Dave let out a soft noise.

"Hey, hey. Look. Uh." Jack cleared his throat. "I still wanna do it." He paused, an extremely long pause came after what he said.

"Just, uh. A blowjob for now. Okay?"

Dave smiled as a response, gently letting go of Jack so he could lean against the table.

The orange man unbuttoned his suit, along with his pants painfully slow.

Jack had slid his underwear down with his pants, motioning Dave over.

Dave put a hand on Jack's dick, slowly, but roughly stroking it. He was still soft but by the way his breath hitched, he won't be for long.


"Too slow?"

"No. I want it in your mouth."

Dave didn't have to be asked twice. He let go and got down on his knees. He opened his mouth, and let Jack take over.

Unsurprisingly it took fucking forever for Jack to cum, and Dave's jaw was starting to hurt. Though he had to just live with it for now. While he waited, Dave had started to rub himself, closing his eyes as his throat tightened around Jack each time he swallowed.

Suddenly Jack pulled away, rubbing himself quickly. Dave knew what he was waiting for was finally going to come to him.

He eagerly left his mouth open, staring at the tip of Jack's length.

Jack tightly held onto the table, letting out a gasp before cumming.

Dave caught most of it in his mouth, the rest splattering on his face.

Shortly after Jack got down from his high, Dave came on his hand, shuddering tiredly.

Jack searched around his pockets for some tissue, cleaning himself, and Dave up.

Once Dave stood up, he tightly held Jack. "I love you so much."

Jack smiled a little, gently hugging him back. "Love you too."

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