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//This is written as if they were still alive and they just met in a bar. Dave does go by Dave Miller despite his birth name being William. \\

So, say if you found a guy you were interested in at a bar. Say if you guys hit it off. Say if you two made out in the bathroom but got kicked out for hogging it.

Yeah, that's pretty much what's happening with jack right now. He found a guy that he thought was pretty hot, fooled around a little, got kicked out, and now they're on their way to a hotel.

They both walked since they were pretty hammered.

Jack had to wear his jacket over his pants since he got a boner just by making out with the guy he was with. Though the more they walked, the worse his erection ached.

He'd rather not fuck behind some dumpster so he'll just have to deal with it.

The man he was with. Dave, was it? He'd say he was pretty hot. Nice, long hair that was put into a ponytail, some stubble, oh and fat fucking tits.

...What? You can't blame Jack for wanting to grope the guy's milkers.

The taller man gave him his jacket since he was pretty cold and dear God. He was wearing a tight shirt. If Jack wasn't already hard, he'd definitely be just by the sight.

He shook it off and thanked him.

"Just a little more, Sportsy. We're almost there." God his accent. Actually, his everything.

The stupid nickname he gave Jack was so cute. God jack wants to fuck him.

Shit, is the alcohol just making him hornier? He never thinks like that.

After finally getting there, they went half on the hotel for the night.

Jack put a hand on Dave's ass, grabbing it a little as they walked to the room. Just a little more, and it's his.

They both reached the room and walked in, Jack immediately kissing the other man once the door was closed.

"Mmh~ Wai-Wait. MMMH!" Dave held onto Jacks hips. Despite his protesting, Dave didn't really want Jack to stop. He'd be lying if he said he didn't love the attention.

Jack pulled the coat off, as well as his pants. Dave put his hands on the shorter man's shoulders. "Are you sure you want this?"

Jack second guessed, and even hesitated. "Y-Yes."

Dave pulled his own pants off, taking off his shirt as well.

Oh God. There they are. Jack faceplanted into the man's muscle boobs, kissing and licking everywhere he could.

Dave closed his eyes, relaxing softly. "C'mon. We gotta get to the bed at least." Although he said that, he didn't try to pull jack off or anything. He let out a soft groan once the shorter man sucked at his nipple.

Eventually he picked Jack up and pulled him into a deeper kiss. He then walked over to the bed and let Jack down.

He stripped the last piece of clothing he had in before laying on his back.

Oh God. His chest was definitely big but his cock too?

Jack threw his underwear off and got on top of Dave.

Holy shit. Holy shit. He's gonna do it. Jack is going to fuck this absolute unit of a man.

Dave raised an eyebrow. "You sure you should be gawking at me right now? Your cock looks like it's gonna snap off. Nice tattoo by the way."

Fuck. Jack forgot about that tattoo. He got it when he was really high.

Dave grew impatient so he shoved Jacks face in his chest. Jack got the memo and propped himself up, using some of his saliva on his fingers to spread the taller man open.

After a bit, Jack felt like he was good.

He pulled his fingers out and put his cock by Dave's entrance.

He roughly fit inside, bucking his hips instinctively. Dave had looked down at him with an intoxicating smile. "You're quick to try and fuck a guy's brains out arent you?"

Jack blushed awkwardly but ignored it, quickly moving his hips.

Jack had his face permanently in Dave's boobs and Dave was loving it. Getting his nipples sucked and his ass penetrated by a shorter guy was hotter than he thought.

"Wait! Wait a minute-"

Jack stopped, a little worried.

Dave held Jack's face and brought it up to his own to kiss him. "You're cute."
Jack was a little irritated that Dave had stopped him for that but he just smiled.

"You're such an idiot." Jack sat up and threw Dave's legs over his shoulders, continuing his pace.

Dave's groans were probably a bit too loud, but him and as Jack cared too much about getting the other off.

"Dave m' gonna-"

"Inside." Dave gasped loudly before pulling Jack down to his neck. "Bite me. Hard."

Jack unintentionally bit a little too hard to the point he drew blood, though Dave seemed to enjoy it. A lot.

He clenched around Jack's length and came on both of their stomachs. Jack following shortly after.

Jack pulled out and tiredly faceplanted into Dave's chest.

"So, how'd ya like it?"

Jack muffled something and held onto one of Dave's tiddies, gently squeezing it.

"I hear you." Dave laughed a little before sighing. "God you were amazing. It's like you knew exactly what to do. Fuck, I love you so much."

Jack looked up from Dave's tiddy and gave him a look.

"Ah, fuck. That was too soon, I'm so- Mmh." Jack cut him off by kissing him.

Dave held onto Jack as they made out again, pulling away once they were running out of air. "I gotta tell you somethin'." He paused a little. "I've seen you around the bar multiple times and I just. I feel like I fell in love with you since I first saw you. Your face, those amazing lips, God."

He paused and laughed a little. "Fuck, you must think that I'm a creep."

Jack just stared at him, making Dave blush out of embarrassment. "C-Cmon. Say something, you're freaking me out here."

Jack accidentally blurted out; "I love your tits."

Dave gave him an awkward smile, putting a hand on his face. "You're so fuckin' weird, man."

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