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Jack tells Dave how they feel, and they bone to show their love.

Jack had sighed as he woke up, looking over at Dave in their hotel bed.

He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, blowing some smoke as he relaxed.

He heard a soft moan come from Dave so he gently hushed him.

He went back to relaxing, closing his eyes as he did.

He thought about everything that they did in Vegas. Banging hookers, snorting coke, giving each other blow jobs, making out, basic stuff.

Jack had opened his eyes again, silently watching Dave sleep.

He put out his cigarette and gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

Dave had eventually woke up as well, gently hugging Jack close to him. "Mornin'"

"Morning, Dave."

Dave had gently kissed Jack on the lips, accidentally escalating it into a makeout session.

Eventually Jack pulled away, licking the saliva on his bottom lip.

"Way to make a man horny first thing in the morning." Jack teased, softly humming as he closed his eyes.

"Did it work? Do you wanna fuck me?"

"No. Maybe later."

Jack jokingly responded, kissing Dave on the forehead again.

He felt that this was a good idea to ask Dave his question.

He inhaled sharply, his stomach turning a little.

"Dave. Do you feel anything when we bone hookers together?"

Dave tilted his head a little out of confusion.

"I feel your dick sometimes."

Jack facepalmed. "I mean. Romantic feelings."

Dave silently shook his head. "Not really. I just fuck em because it's fun."

"Ah." Jack looked down, his stomach starting to make him feel nauseous.

"Do. Do you feel any romantic feelings when just the two of us fuck?"

"Jack. I literally kissed you on the lips not too long ago and chose to fuck you over a hooker last night. Of course I fuckin' do."

Jack felt his nausea slowly going away, relief following shortly after.

"Do you mean it?"

"Course I do. You're my orange baby."

Jack laughed a little, giving Dave another kiss.

"I think I'm ready to bone now."

"Want me to give ya a quick blowie?"

"Only if you let me top tonight."

Dave smiles before getting up. "Of course daddy."

Dave climbed a top Jack and initiated another makeout session.

He let out a moan once he pulled Jack's pants down.

He roughly grinded against his partner's crotch.

He pulled away, kissing at the shorter man's neck as he wrapped his hand around his cock.

"Mmh you didn't put underwear back on?"

"You're the one who just went to sleep all commando. Dave jr must've got a lot of air."

Dave had giggled a little, moving the covers to show his erection.

"Unfortunately, he couldn't get any air because of a dream I had about you."

"And I thought that moan was you just having a bad dream."

"Oh baby tell me about it. You were so hot in it. Tyin' me up, teasin' me,"

Dave let out a moan. "Please tell me you're gettin' ideas for this."

"I sure am baby." Jack gently slapped Dave's ass, making him laugh a little.

"Keep goin'" He swayed his hips a little, gaining more slaps.

"Mmmh daddy~"

Dave got down below Jack's knees, covering the bottom half up before raising his legs a little.

"Your cock is pretty excited. What a naughty little guy."

Dave licked a stripe up Jack's cock, licking the tip before sucking it.

"Mm just like that. Daddy loves it."

Jack heard Dave laugh, making him roll his eyes. "Shut up Dave now you're making me say it."

Jack lit up another cigarette, blowing some smoke out as he pulled the sheets down a little, watching Dave suck and moan.

"You enjoying my cock baby?"

Dave let out a soft moan as response.

"Mm good boy."

Jack blew another puff, sighing softly.

"Mm Dave stop and come here for a moment."

Dave did indeed stop, and climbed up on Jack's lap.

"You already know what you want, hm?"

Jack put his cigarette out once he was done, grabbing a tie he had on before tying Dave's wrists together.

"Sportsy. I'm gonna show ya something any ordinary hooker cant do."

"Mm are ya sayin' that you're a hooker?"

"My eyes are for your cock only daddy."

"Mm that's a good boy. Give daddy a kiss."

Dave roughly kissed Jack as he raised his hips and slammed them down onto Jack's cock.

Dave pulled away, a loud moan escaping his lips.

"Dave we should've prepared you first. Are you okay?"

"Kiss me more Jack. I need you so bad. I cant-"

Jack kissed his needy boyfriend before slamming into him.

The both of them had fucked on and off for a good while. Although there were a few sound complaints.

Oh well! At least they fucked each other's brains out. That was a win.

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