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Basic summary;

Jack and Dave finally get together and finally bone as a couple rather than just homiesexuals

Jack was absolutely sick of this place. He felt like he was going to go crazy if he stayed there any longer. Or well, more crazy.

Working here was like trying to get up in the morning; fucking impossible to deal with.

Jack put the final part of his suit on; grimacing a little at the sharp springlocks. He already had enough scars from them.

He dragged himself out of the saferoom, beginning to entertain some unappreciative tots. Why did he come to this place after that goddamned Colorado incident?

Oh, great. There's that Candy's burgers and fries fucker again. Jack pulled out his tazer and zapped him.

"Ya fuckin' did it, Sportsy!"

Jack turned towards the voice, vocally exclaiming once Dave wrapped his arm around the slightly shorter guy.

"Aw come on, I'm not THAT scary."

Jack smiled underneath the suit. "Hey, Dave."

"I've got such a fuckin' good idea! It's-"

"Save it for later, Dave I'm trying to not die here."

Dave carefully let go of Jack, making him sigh; relieved that he was able to keep the springlocks at bay again.

Jack remembered something. "Dave. Could you, uh.."

Dave tilted his head, a bit confused. "Could you come to my house tonight? Y-You don't have to its just-"

"Of course."
Jack felt like he should be more concerned by how quick Dave responded but he shook it off.

"Thank you. I'll, uh. See you when our shift's over?"

"Don't keep me waiting my orange baby."

Jack laughed, playing into the joke. Or well, what he thought was a joke.

"I won't, I won't. Love ya auber-babe" Jack almost immediately retreated to the bathroom after his shit line.

What the actual fuck was that?

Jack was looking at himself in the mirror. That was the most shittiest line that has ever come out of his mouth.

After a few minutes of self ridicule, the orange man straightened himself up, and walked back out.

Eventually, 6 pm came and Jack went back to the safe room.

He noticed Dave there, waiting for him.

Jack had took off the bear head and placed it on a table. "You didn't have to wait here for me."

"And miss any chance to look at my orange baby's kissable face?"

"M-My wha-?"

Dave dismissed Jack's confusion. "Nothing, nothing! Cmon, strip for your good old pal Dave"

Jack rolled his eyes getting the suit unzipped before taking it off.

Dave snickered a little, earning him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Come on Dave let's go back."

Dave nodded, exiting out the saferoom and then the establishment.

Once they got closer to Jack's house, he took his keys out and unlocked his door, yawning as he opened the door.

"Is it little Old Sport's nap time?"

"Screw off, Dave. You and me both know I can't just fall asleep that quick."

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