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Summary; Dave and Jack get married and have late night wedding fun

The walking hellspawn; Matthew Virginia was standing at the altar as the priest for the two homosexual blocks was saying priest things while distant gunshots still rang in everyone's ears.

The two phone men that were invited; Peter and Steven watched in both confusion, and slight proud in their expressions. However they show it anyway.

Eventually, Jack and Dave put their matching rings on. Dave's had a orange gem, while Jack's had a purple gem. The orange man figured that it'd fit their relationship well.

Eventually, they both shared a kiss that went on for too long. Everyone else there started to feel uncomfortable until they eventually stopped.

After some clapping, Dave and Jack went to cut their cake. It wasn't anything special, but it was still a great significance.

Everyone at the after-party was having a lot of fun. However, Dave and Jack eventually snuck off somewhere; more specifically, their hotel room.

Once the door was closed, both of them couldn't get their hands off of each other.

Dave immediately pulled Jack into a kiss, locking the room's door before moving over to their bed.

Dave pulled away from the kiss before pushing the other onto the bed.

Jack looked up at his new husband, noticing the obvious lust in his expression.

Jack carefully took off his tuxedo, making sure to not damage the flowers as he did.

Dave's expression turned into more of a confused one once he saw some red rope around Jack's body. Though, it wasn't fully tightened.

"J-Jack what is that?"

"Shibari. It's, um. A type of bondage art. I thought you'd like it."

Jack carefully took off his pants, showing the lace underwear he had been wearing as well.

Dave could die again and be the happiest man ever.

"Fuck yer' so hot."

Dave growled before pulling Jack into another kiss, seemingly longer than the one at the altar.

Dave pulled away, tying the rope with Jack's instructions. He definitely wasn't expecting this to happen, but he wasn't complaining.

He tightly tied a knot between the other's arms and legs, leaving enough space for him to move still.

A soft whine came from the orange man once he felt a kiss on his neck, getting immediately shushed by his partner.

"You've went through so much time getting ready for me, I'd say you deserve a treat."

Dave slithered a hand down Jack's body, following the design from the rope down to the other's clothed cock.

A soft groan came from the shorter man, trying to encourage Dave into going quicker.

Dave trailed kisses along his husband's neck down to his thighs, gently pulling down the flimsy fabric that was trapping Jack Jr.

The sudden cold air made Jack flinch a little.

The purple man began to lick and suck at the base, making Jack let out a soft sigh.

Eventually after enough teasing, Dave took the whole thing in his mouth.

Sure, it was one of the reasons why Jack married this man but it was still surprising whenever he did it.

The shorter man let out quite loud moans that only Dave could hear, wrapping his legs around him.

The both of them froze once they heard a knock on the door.

It was Peter.

He noticed that the both of them left early and he wanted to check on them.

"Are, uh. Are you two okay?"

Jack swore he saw Dave's eyebrows furrow.

He awkwardly cleared his throat quietly and made sure that he didn't sound shaky.

"Yeah. We're fine. I just felt sick so Dave took me back. I feel better now though."

Dave awkwardly swallowed, his throat tightening around the other, making Jack let out a hiss.

"A-Alright, well. If you still wanna come back to the party, you totally can. If not, I'll see you two tomorrow."

Peter walked away, making Jack sigh out of relief. Once Dave figured that it was safe, he began to quickly go back to what he was doing.

Jack tightly closed his eyes, beginning to cum down the other's throat.

Once he opened his eyes, he noticed Dave struggling to swallow.

He gently pulled Dave away, panting a little.

Once Dave finished, he kissed his husband's thigh lovingly.


A soft sigh came from the purple man's mouth. He licked his lips, gently climbing on top of the other.

His breath hitched, grabbing the other's hands and interlocking them.

"You don't know. How much I've longed for this."

Jack swore he saw Dave's pupils turn into hearts. Or maybe it was just his arousal speaking, who knows.

Dave didn't worry too much about opening himself up, he just lowered himself onto the other.

It felt like Dave was suffocating him. Or well, his dick anyway.

Once the both of them got used to the feeling, Dave quickly raised his hips, slamming back down.

The both of them groaned together. Once Jack started to really pay attention, Dave's pupils definitely WERE hearts. Did they always do that and he just never noticed??

Surprisingly, the both of them weren't that loud, kinda awkward actually. But that didn't stop them

Dave pulled Jack into a kiss. He eventually moved quicker, roughly moaning into the kiss until he eventually pulled away.

"F-Fuck 'm so close."

He desperately held Jack close to him. "I love you. So much."

Jack had smiled a little, awkwardly looking at him. "I love you too."

Eventually the both of them reached their orgasms, panting softly.
Dave got off of Jack and laid on top of him lazily.

"Dave do you wanna go back to the party?"

"Later. I wanna cuddle with my husband."

Jack gave Dave a kiss on the forehead before reaching over to light up a cigarette. Although, now that he thought about it; maybe he should stop. He put it out and threw the pack he had away.

Besides, he had better things to be addicted to. Like his new husband.

"This was the best day of my life."

A soft giggle escaped Dave's lips. "You're so gay."

"I will choke you, Dave."

Dave raised an eyebrow.
"You know damn well that shit turns me on."


Dave gently untied Jack and took off the rope, kissing the marks that they made.

"Such pretty designs for a pretty man."

"Mmh." Jack let out a soft groan.

The both of them relaxed and talked about anything for a few minutes.

"Wanna get washed up and go back to the party now?"

"Only if we can have another round in the shower."

Jack sighed. "Fine, fine."

The both of them got up from their bed and walked to the bathroom.

Meanwhile; at the party, Peter knew exactly what those two were doing. He just wanted to pretend that he didn't. For his own sanity.

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