yippee an actual chapter

378 7 19

I shit you not, it's been over a month since I've worked on this.///

After being hired at Freddy fazbender's, Jack always felt like he was being watched. Even in the bathroom. But not by an animatronic, by an actual person.

He started to get used to the feeling and stopped worrying about it. Though he felt like he knew where the feeling came from once he met Dave in the saferoom.

"Oh, hello!" Dave seemed friendly enough. "How are you liking it here at Freddy's?" He asked, outstretching his hand to shake Jack's.

Once Jack shook it, Dave put his other hand on top of his, the purple man's smile seemingly growing bigger.

"Uhh. It's definitely great here. I really like fucking with the phone man." He spoke nervously, not wanting to get on this guy's bad side.

"Oh me too! Though this place has some dirt on me so I can't do most of the stuff I used to do."

Dirt? What kind of dirt? The fuck does this guy do?

"Uuhhuuh." Jack gently let go of Dave's hands.

"Well, I should really get back to work."

"Oh, yes yes! Go ahead I don't wanna hold you." Dave smiled, going to fix his tie. He had a nervous smile on his face and he was blushing a little.

Jack raised an eyebrow, blushing in response before going to leave. The experience was extremely awkward. Sure he was a bit odd, but Dave was kinda cute.

As Jack continued his work week, Dave seemingly talked to him each day, growing more confident as he did. And although jack went home. The thought that someone was watching him followed.

He couldn't do anything without that fear. He had to get used to it just like at work. He couldn't do *exactly* everything he wanted to do when he was home due to him feeling like didn't have any privacy.

It's been well over a few months of working at Freddy's, and he and Dave seemingly became pretty good friends.

The two of them caused some petty pranks around the place, and no one was able to catch them. It felt like they were teenagers again. Or, well. If they could do petty pranks instead of what they did when they were teenagers.

"Dave, Dave ya hear me?"

"Mmh?" Dave fell asleep on Jack's lap while they were on their break.

"It's almost time to go back."

"Mmgh five more minutes..." He dozed off again. Jack was going to wake him up again, but he noticed bags under his eyes. Dave seemed like he didn't get enough sleep.

Jack bent down and gently kissed him on the forehead, making Dave open his eyes and smile.

"You weren't asleep you bitch."

"No, I was. My prince Charming just woke me up with true love's kiss."

"That's gay, Dave. Really gay."

"Oh? But you didn't deny it."

"Do you want your 'prince charming' to give you an actual kiss or not?"

Dave stayed quiet and nodded.


Jack bent down and gently kissed Dave on the lips, pulling away softly.

Jack smiled a little. "Dave. I love you. A lot."

"Kiss me again."

Jack kissed him again, this time longer. Though, it was kinda cut short once they heard their phone boss call for them, funny enough.

"Cmon Dave."

The purple man whined a little, but got up. He messed with his arm before helping Jack up.

"So, uh. Does this mean that we're dating?"

Jack shrugged. "I guess? Do you wanna date your 'prince Charming'?"
Dave pulled Jack into another kiss. They held each other for a while, and the kiss started to escalate. Jack had to pull away to remind him. "Dave cmon- we gotta go."

Jack himself didn't exactly make an attempt to go back to work either. He sighed once he felt Dave kiss his neck. "Nnh."

He finally gave in. "Bite me. But make sure it's somewhere no one can see but you, and me."

Dave gently unbuttoned Jack's shirt, going to gently bite at his shoulder. "How about here?"
Jack hesitated a little, but eventually nodded.

"Y-Yeah. There's fine."

Dave gently bit jack's shoulder, but hard enough  to leave a mark. He possessively let out a hiss before letting go. Jack had an awkward smile in his face and he fixed his collar, clearing his throat and tightening his tie.

He suddenly got up and reached out a hand to help Dave up. Once he did, he subconsciously grabbed at his shoulder, grimacing a little.

"...does it hurt?" He sounded quite worried. But, Jack gave him a reassuring smile and shook his head. "I'm fine. Just aches a little."

Dave nodded in understanding, returning the smile. The both of them went back into the pizzeria. Jack eventually let go of his shoulder, but Dave couldn't stop thinking about it and was on his mind the rest of the shift.

He was supposed to be doing something else, but he couldn't stop himself from trying to see where Jack was, and what he was doing. Inevitably, he neglected most of his work until the phone man got on his ass about it.

Obviously he was looking quite suspicious, just following his 'co-worker' around the whole day, and making it obvious to him that he was.

Jack had a feeling that the whole time he felt like he was being watched was from Dave, and after Dave started being more obvious about it, Jack knew for sure.

He was a little creeped out about it. Hell, he couldn't even 'let out some stress' at his own home. Of course, he should probably be worried about how Dave was able to watch him even at his own home for the longest time possible but hey, at least Jack didn't have to worry about intruders or robbers.

Jack was pretty sure Dave would've probably beat their ass if they tried doing anything. Or Jack's just extremely delusional. Either way, Jack still loved him, and it wasn't a big deal to him as much as it was before he started talking to Dave.

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