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"Dave have you seen my toothbrush?"

The orange man asked, looking through his bathroom.

"Nuh uh. Have you checked the shower?"

Jack rolled his eyes, but decided to humor Dave. And thankfully, he was right.

"Huh. You were actually right. Thanks, Dave."

Dave walked towards the bathroom and leaned against the door, making guns with his hands."So, ya come here often?"

"Dave you're insufferable." The purple guy™ walked towards his husband and tightly hugged him from behind.

"Can ya blame me for tryin'? This is the second time you've shot me down when I've tried to hit on you like that." Jack laughed a little, looking over at the purple guy™
"It's charming, I'll give you that." Dave smiled a little, proud of himself. "Why thank you."

Jack pretty much just let Dave cling to him while he brushed his teeth.

He rinsed his mouth out along with his toothbrush before putting it back in it's holder.

Jack turned around and gently pulled Dave into a kiss.

"Someone tastes good."

"Eugh don't say it like that it makes me feel weird."

"What's wrong with your husband saying that?"

Jack knew for a fact Dave was teasing him just by his face alone. Fuckin' asshat.

"Nothing. C'mon, Dave."

Dave let go of Jack and willingly followed him into their shared bedroom.

"Hey, hey sportsy could we cuddle?"

Jack sighed, laying down before opening his arms. "Come on you big baby."

Dave followed his husband on the bed, gently trailing his hand from his leg up to his chest.

Dave noticed his husband shudder a little, kissing him on the forehead before laying down next to him.

"You're so cute."

Jack furrowed his eyebrows before hugging Dave close to him.

"Fuck you Dave."

"Hehe. You do that everyday, Jack. I'm surprised we didn't do that today."

He climbed on top of him and sat on his lap. "Unless, you'd want to now to. Yknow, get it over with?"

Dave's accent messed with Jack's head. Why did he have to marry this guy?

(I'm gonna cut this up into two different parts. Sfw, and nsfw. The nsfw one is below the sfw one.)

Sfw part;

"I-I dunno, I'm not up to it tonight. Could you maybe get off?" Jack uncomfortably moved a little, making Dave back off.

"O-Of course. I'm sorry." Jack pulled the other into a tight hug, kissing him on the forehead. "It's fine, it's fine. Thank you."

Dave quietly nodded, happily leaning against his husband.

"Dave do you want another kiss?"

The purple man put on his best puppy-dog eyes. "Yes please." Jack rolled his eyes, gently kissing his husband again.

Dave melted into the kisses and smiled goofily.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Nuh uh. I wanna cuddle with my husband."

Jack jokingly rolled his eyes, initiating another kiss before hugging the other tightly, closing his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you more Sportsy."

Nsfw part;

Dave slid a hand down to his own crotch, gently moving it up a little to pull his pants down.

Jack wasn't particularly surprised that Dave wasn't wearing anything underneath his pants. It was just a given now.

"Jack you're really cute yknow that?"

"Aw, Dave. You're gonna make me blush."

Jack had giggled a little, before gently grabbing at his husband's hips. "I haven't given you a blowjob in a while. Cmere."

Dave moved closer to Jack, his length only a few inches away from the other's mouth.

"I keep forgetting how big you are."

He gently kissed and licked at it, helping it get harder.

Jack pulled down his own pants, pulling his erection from the slit in his boxers, stroking himself quickly.

"Hehe. Cmon, Jack~ you can take way more than that."

Dave's cock went inside the orange man's mouth, quickly entering and exiting it as Jack closed his eyes, moaning against it.

"Mm you're such a good boy. And so slutty too."

Dave looked down at his husband. "Does my slutty little husband like my cock?"

Jack bit down a little, making Dave immediately stop.

"O-Okay okay! I'm sorry-"

He hissed out a moan. Great, another thing for Dave to be into.

He panted softly, whining desperately. His actions just made Jack a reason to make fun of him more.

After a while, Dave pulled out before releasing on his husband's face.

"Oops. My mistake." He snickered a little, making Jack get up, pinning him to the bed.

"Heh, looks like someone's mad. What're you gonna do to me?" He tightly held onto his husband, panting softly.

Jack pulled his underwear off and began to bite Dave's neck harshly.

In just minutes Dave was a moaning mess, panting loudly and begging the other to go rougher.

Long story short, Dave absolutely loved how rough Jack was.

They laid in their bed tiredly, holding onto each other as they traded kisses.

"God I love you so much."

Dave smiled, happily cupping Jack's face. "I love ya more. So, so much more." He possessively held him closer, not letting him go anytime soon.

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