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I haven't actually played dsaf 3 but someone did tell me Dave's backstory with Henry and the stuff that he did to him so this might be a bit ooc!
By the way; this is written as them being just boyfriends rather than married again ||

Dave had been oddly distant lately. Jack was quite curious onto why especially since Dave was normally the needy one.

He entered Freddy fazbenders and headed straight to the safe room. That's always where he could find that aubergine.

He went inside and voila, there he was. He was looking quite down.

"Dave, you doin alright?"

Dave looked over his shoulder and noticed Jack was there. From what he could see; Dave was messing with something on his arm.

He approached him and tried to offer some help. "Did you get hurt? I can help you get it cleaned up if you want-"

"NO. No. Im- I'm fine." Dave pulled his arm away and put his sleeve back down. Before turning over to Jack. "I'm sorry. I just- I'll tell you after work."

Jack was worried, but decided not to pry. He went to work as per usual until it was ending time.

Once he went back to the saferoom, Dave looked over his shoulder. "Sports! How was work?"

"Did you stay here the whole time? Why are you suddenly avoiding me, Dave?"

Dave's fake smile turned back into a frown. "Look. I." He started, unsure of what else to say as he rubbed his arm. "You know Henry, right? The guy I told you about?"
Jack intently nodded, egging him on to continue.

"He used to, how do I say this, used my body parts for his experiments. I've, never really thought about it that much until recently."

Jack's brain couldn't comprehend what was just said.

"I always just blocked that fact from my mind, trying to just, think that it was alright. And, it doesn't hurt not having my parts, I just. Feel bad for how I let him use me."

Jack's head started hurting. How the fuck does he respond???

He opened his mouth but no words came.

Dave sighed. "You don't have to say anything. I'll see you tomorrow."

Jack watched Dave walk out of the saferoom and away from his vision.

When Jack went home, he noticed that Dave hadn't even followed him. He laid down in his bed and started to process what Dave confessed to him.

He sighed, pulling the blankets over his body and falling asleep. Tomorrow's another day.

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