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//HAPPY MIDENTINES DAY!! btw they're gay block men again instead of humans\\

Jack had noticed something. Dave always had a specific, reaction to whenever Jack jokingly praised him for something.

He decided to test this out once he and Dave had a day off. The both of them were cuddling on Jack's bed. They made sure to say 'no homo' first. Though at this point they might as well embrace it. They've already done everything to count them as couples.


The purple man looked down at his partner, his pupils lightening up once he heard Jack praise him.

He instinctively nuzzled against the other man affectionately.

"Good boy."

Dave froze. Was that on purpose? Should he be confused? Should he be turned on? Though his thoughts were cut short once Jack kissed him on the lips.

"Dave you're such a good boy."

Dave let out a soft whine, making Jack's speculations correct. He's into being praised.

It's a good thing that Jack only wears boxers most of the time. He motioned Dave to get up, throwing the blanket off his own crotch.

Dave didn't even have to ask, he already knew what Jack was planning. Just by the aroused glint in his eyes.

After snapping out of Jack's hypnotic glare, Dave sat in front of the other man, yanking his boxers off and throwing them somewhere in the room. Dave didn't care for that, he wanted to taste that man's dick again and fast.

Dave gave Jack's cock a few pumps to get it hard.

He licked and kissed the tip, opening his mouth to take Jack in.

Jack sighed out a moan. "Mmg good boy."

Dave moaned against the other man's cock as he sucked harder. "Dave wai- wait!"

He gently pulled Dave off of him. Dave looked up at him, a little confused.

The shorter man sighed and gently rubbed Dave's cheek.

"It's fine, I just didn't wanna cum too quickly."

Dave frowned at the excuse and tried to take Jack in his mouth again.

That just made the orange man laugh. "So impatient. Go on then."

After getting his permission, Dave took him further down his throat, fitting the whole thing inside it.

Dave let out a few gags and moans, closing his eyes as he rubbed himself against the bedsheets.

Jack held Dave's head down, cumming down his throat.

He moans out a few praises before letting go, Dave pulling away once he finished swallowing.

Dave sat up, his boner aching in it's clothed prison.

Jack laid Dave on his back, freeing the man's length from it's prison.

"Since you were so good, I think you deserve a reward."

Dave laid on his side, one of his favorite positions.

Jack sat up with his knees, stroking himself near Dave's entrance before entering him.

Jack sighed out a moan, looking down at Dave.

He put one of Dave's legs over his shoulder, building up a good rhythm.

Jack's amused praised grew as he watched Dave melt and sob from the pleasure. He didn't know why, but he felt amazing.

Dave, the taller and older man writhing and crying under him. Jack couldn't help but smile.  Dave going down a spiral of being turned into Jack's obedient puppy just made Jack's smile wider.

It was a mix of odd bloodlust, and lust in general. He pulled out and laid Dave on his back again, roughly entering him as he put his hands around Dave's neck.

Jack got rougher, pressing down on Dave's neck every now and then, bending down to his ear to whisper his twisted words. The words he knew Dave wanted, the words that'd make Dave beg. And beg he did, Dave got exactly what he wanted.

The night for them was still early, everything they had did felt like a fuzzy memory the next day. Jack could only remember tying Dave up and using him over, and over until he finally broke, just like a toy.

Jack's throat felt horrible when he woke up. He could only imagine how bad Dave would feel. His head was absolutely aching. He made sure to not wake Dave as he got out of bed, not bothering to get dressed.

After taking some headache medicine, he went downstairs to grab some tea for the both of them. We walked back up and noticed Dave was awake. He walked to him and kissed him on the forehead.

"You doin okay?"

"I'm fine."

Dave's voice sounded strained but oddly deeper. No, no. Jack can't give into his lust again. The both of them just woke up.

"Here I made you some tea for your throat."

"Thank you."

After handing Dave his tea, Jack sat down on his bed and quietly messed with the handle, looking over at Dave. "Was I too rough?"

Dave took a sip, carefully putting it down. "I don't think so."

"Good, good." Dave's voice resonated in Jack's mind. He carefully finished his tea before putting it down, sighing softly.



"I love you."

Dave smiled over at him, a bit confused. "I dunno where that's coming from, but I love ya too."

Jack smiled back at him, a little relieved.

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