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Dave had been walking around Freddy fazbender's, punting some toddlers in the way of him getting to the bathroom.

He had noticed Jack in there with a firecracker. "Well hello there, Old sport."

Jack had jumped a little, looking over at Dave. "O shit. Waddup Dave?"

He had looked down at the firecracker and then back at Dave. "There's a valid explanation for this."

"So YOU were the one blowing up the urinals lately." Dave had began to laugh a little, gently ruffling the shorter guy's hair.

"You're a crazy sun'ofa bitch, Sportsy."

Dave let go, gently kissing him on the cheek. "I love that about you."

Jack had began to blush, gently placing the firecracker down; stopping his mini arson project.

"Dave." Jack held Dave's face with his hands, staring him in the eyes.

"You said that you loved me, right?"

Dave had nodded. Gently melting into Jack's touch.

"You're kinda like a doggo, Dave. You follow me everywhere, and you occasionally do whatever I ask."

"Does that make you my master?"

Jack cleared his throat, putting the firecracker in his pocket. "I'll finish this another day. Come on, let's go back to work."

Dave stuck his tongue out at Jack teasingly before agreeing.

Once their shift was over, Jack left through the window and helped Dave out the same way.

They both walked to the orange man's house together.

Jack opened the door, closing it once Dave was inside.

Jack sat on his couch, motioning Dave to come closer to him.

Dave did infact get closer; making it possible for Jack to pull him onto his lap.

Dave bent down to give Jack a kiss.

Jack had awkwardly hugged Dave. "Babe- we've been dating for how long and you're still acting like this?" Dave had chuckled, making Jack blush. "S-Shut up!"

Dave had laughed some more, gently wiping away a tear.

"If you're so mad at me, then why don't ya choke me?"

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You heard me, Sportsy. Wrap those pretty hands of yours around my neck and just squeeze. To the point that I'm beggin' ya for air."

"...Dave I think you need to cut back on your porn."

Dave had frowned, crossing his arms. "It's not that. I just, really fuckin' wanna know how it feels."

Jack looked worriedly at Dave before agreeing.

"Just lemme know when you want me to stop."

Dave nodded, blushing a little when he felt Jack's hands trail from up his legs to his neck.

Jack gently wrapped his hands around Dave's neck, making him moan.

He chokes a moan out once Jack began to tighten his grip.

Dave harshly gripped Jack's legs, moaning as he chokes.

"Wait- wait"

Dave motioned Jack to stop. "As much as I enjoyed it, I'm getting kinda hungry."

Jack had laughed a little, letting go of Dave.

"Alright let's just go get something to eat then."

The whole fiasco was decided to not be talked upon between the both of them. At least for a good while.

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