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Basic summary; Dave and Jack gets drunk and Dave wants to know what Jack's dick tattoo looks like


Dave and Jack had just burnt down Freddy fazbenders and on their way to Vegas.

"Sportsy, you're one crazy sunova bitch yknow that?"

"Like you can say anything, Dave."

"What can I say? We're both crazy bitches. Bite me."

Jack jokingly responded; "I definitely would. If we weren't driving right now."

"Oh ho, someone's kinky."

"Shut up, Dave."

After they reached a casino, Dave hopped out and smiled. "Ready to bang some hookers and bet all of our money?"

"Fuck yeah let's go!"

Long story short, the night didn't go as planned. They just stayed in their hotel and got shitfaced drunk together.

"So yer tellin' me that you have a tattoo. On yer cock?"
Dave asked, a laugh eliciting from him.

"Fuck, yeah I do! Wanna see?"

"That'd be the best thing I've ever seen. YES."

Jack willingly unzipped his pants, pulling them down with his boxers, feeling a little dizzy.

Dave carefully held Jack up and moved him over to the bed.

Dave glanced down and did in fact see the tattoo. "You weren't kiddin'! You have a. *hic* legitimate fuckin' tattoo on that thing!"

Jack held his dick up so Dave could see it better.

"Can I taste it?"


"Ya heard me sportsy. I wanna taste that tattoo of yers."

"Go ahead, m just gonna. Ssssit here."

Dave got down on his knees, sloppily licking at the tattoo. "It doesn't taste like anythin'"

"It doesn't?"

"No. But yer cock sure tastes good."


Dave shushed Jack, the both of their minds going blank.

Sloppy kisses and licks continued as Dave covered every part with his saliva.

"Mmmh Dave."

Not too long after, Jack had came onto Dave's face. "Beh."


Dave gently held onto Jack's legs to help stabilize himself.

"'S alright, Sportsy."

Jack stood up as well, blushing a little before gently rubbing Dave's cheek.

"Wanna go get cleaned up Dave?"

Dave silently nodded and followed Jack to the bathroom.

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