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Apologies in advance for this

Ive felt myself drifting away from this fic, and even dsaf more and more, especially through the summer. I don't wanna stop updating but I'm just not feeling happy w the content I'm putting out rn, especially since this isn't one of my top interests anymore.

I don't wanna say the series is cancelled, but at least put on the back burner until further notice.

When I first made this book a year ago, it was purely out of love and adoration for the fandom. But I've just grown tired, and writing for this story felt more like a chore than actual fun, especially with how many similar chapters it feels like I've written. Even the bad jokes just feel like what they are, bad jokes.

I dunno if I will update this story again, or if I'll even leave it up. I'm sorry if I havent gotten to your requests, but this is mainly the reason why.

I'll catch you guys on the flipside. Thank you for staying with me throughout the year + of this story being out.

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