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"Dave are you busy?"

Jack knocked on the door to his husband's garage, eventually going in.

He watched as Dave buid something that he hadn't seen before.

"Hey Jack." That's new, normally Dave would call him his normal nickname.

"What's, uh. What'cha makin there?"

"Somethin' new. Thought of something andfigured that you'd like it."

Jack was curious. "Well, what is it?"

"Sex doll."

Jack almost choked on air. "Excuse me?"

"Sex doll. I know how you get lonely at night so I made you one of me."

Dave immediately got lectured for a good few minutes until Jack was too flustered to complain. "Fine. I can't make you change your mind. I'll just, go back to our room, alone."

"Mm? Are you trying to make me come with you in more ways than one?"


Dave put down what he was working on and followed Jack in their bedroom. "You know I can't pass up a fuck session with my beloved sportsy."

The both of them helped Dave take a break from his work.

When they were done, they laid down tiredly on their bed.

Dave put an arm around Jack, pulling him closer.

"Yknow. Earlier you seemed to enjoy it more than usual. Any particular reason?"

"Fuck you, you know why."

Dave laughed a little before kissing the other man.

"God you're so hot." He cuddled close to his husband lovingly.

"I'll work on that doll later. Relaxing like this feels great."

// a bit short bc i originally worked on this in July and eventually gave up lmao I just finished it today

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