dakota and harold 1

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I should mention beforehand; this was written originally as a harold x reader and dakota TECHNICALLY didn't exist but the relationship still consists of dakota and harold. The 2nd person is referring to dakota as you're in Dakota's place. There are some things around the end that starts to make dakota an actual character rather than a silent reader

Also, I wrote this about almost a year ago and haven't updated it. The relationship IS a boss, employee relationship but its not manipulation


A green phone man had been sitting in a dark warehouse. Waiting for anything to happen. It felt like an eternity that he's been there.

He noticed the warehouse door open and that he had been bought. He stood up, fixing his tie before walking out.

He had noticed someone quite shorter than him. Y/n. "O-Oh. Hello! You're quite shorter than I thought you'd be, boss."

You frown, making the phone quite nervous. "A-Apologies, sir. I didn't mean much by it. My name's Harold."

You shake it off and introduce yourself as well before telling him about a new location that he had opened up in Las Vegas, a quite new Freddy Fazbender's restaurant.

He perked up at that. "Oh, that's good! I-I think."

You nod, asking him to follow you to the location. He carefully follows behind you.

You finally arrive, making Harold think. "W-With all due respect, sir. I don't think that a picture of foxy would exactly fit the franchise-"

You tell him that you had a plan, shooting down the rest of what Harold had to say.
"A-Alright, sir."

The both of you go inside the restaurant. You notice Harold straighten himself up. "Now. I believe I should explain a few things. Ahem."

Once he was done explaining, you tell him that you want a specific room for parents that have stripper animatronics.

You could feel the disappointment in Harold's face. "Sir." He sighed, folding his arms in disappointment. "I know I'm the one listening to orders but. Seriously..?"

You tell him that your decision was final.

"Hhh this was a horrible decision. Fine, fine. But what about the animatronics?"

You tell him that you want the animatronics to be Chica and Foxy.

"THAT'S why you had foxy up there." Harold had given you a dirty look, shifting away from you a little. "...Okay. What else?"

You tell him a few other things that you'd want the pizzeria to be like.

He actually looked quite happy to work about everything. Other than the animatronic strip club part of course.

Once everything was finalized, he clapped his hands together. "Okay! We've got workers, we've got.. 'Animatronics'... We've got sub-par food. And we're absolutely broke!"

You raise an eyebrow, asking what he meant by that.
"What I meant is what I said, sir. We've spent so much on..
That. We ran out of money." He said with a sigh.

You think of something before patting him on the back, reassuring him not to worry too much about it. Oddly enough, he had a quite odd reaction to that.


You look quite confused. He had awkwardly turned his head. Phones can blush???

You ask if he was alright, making him even more flustered. "I-Im fine! I'm fine." He clears his throat, fixing his tie again.

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