date night

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NOTE; This was a wip chapter from MAY, I last updated it in like October and I never finished it so I'm finishing it now LMFAO.

Dave and Jack goes on a date

A soft hum was heard from Jack as he got ready for his and Dave's date.

He had put on a bowtie and a tophat to look classy.

He heard Dave's footsteps get closer to the bathroom so he turned around, looking at the purple man.

Dave had almost popped a boner
Key word on almost, he couldn't embarrass himself that early on. Especially if they didn't even go out yet.

He got closer to Jack and kissed him on the cheek. "You look. Amazing."

Jack had let out a soft sigh, blushing a little. "Thank you. You look great too."

They began to kiss until Jack pulled away, making Dave groan needily.

Dave clung to him, gently rubbing their crotches together. "Cmon. Can't we just have a date at home? I'm gonna go crazy."

Jack gave Dave a kiss. "I wouldn't mind it. Although, you've been a bad boy so we're going out tonight. You'll have to wait, alright?"

Dave stopped, respecting Jack's explanation. "Fine. But you bet your ass I'm gonna fuck you so hard when we get back."

Jack rolled his eyes. "You're the one who's ass is gonna get wrecked."

Dave grimaced a little, making Jack laugh. "Come on, Dave. Wouldn't want your punishment to be any longer now hm?"

He gave Dave a kiss on the cheek before hopping in his car to drive the both of them to a fancy restaurant.

Jack had went to the host and asked for a table for two.

The both of them sat down.
Jack sat across from Dave so the purple man took the opportunity to gently rub his foot against the crotch of the other.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows, although he wasn't upset. He let out a soft noise before biting his lip.

He moved his hips, rubbing against the friction until he remembered where they were.

He gently shifted a little, fixing his tie before closing his legs, making Dave frown a little.

"Be good, Dave. I don't wanna punish you when we get back too. "

Jack should've KNOWN how much Dave enjoyed his punishments. Every one more arousing than the last.

Dave's brain filled with thoughts on how Jack would punish him.

He was fighting a huge battle with his dick. He couldn't afford to pop a boner now.

He decided to try and think about something else, like what to order.

He looked over at Jack and he lovingly sighed a little, looking at everything he loved about him.

His hair, his lips, his eyes, his neck, his chest, his legs, his co-

Ahem. That was enough staring for the night. He was probably freaking Jack out anyway.

Eventually, the both of them order, waiting even more so their order could be cooked.

Dave was unbearably horny. Both from the buildup at home, and from his nonstop fantasizing. At this rate, he'll actually get hard.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I gotta take a leak. I'll be right back."

Jack nodded, looking at the direction Dave went.

The purple man sprinted to the bathroom, locking it with shaky hands.

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