Dave's Pictures

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After snooping through the location's computer, Jack found a folder named 'Dave's pictures'.

Now, knowing Dave. What would he have on there? Porn? Pictures of his dick? Doggos? Eggplants?

...Pictures of Jack?

He hesitantly clicked on the folder and what do you know! It was in fact pictures of Jack.

Oh. Oh dear.

It was pictures of Jack. Wearing a maid outfit. It was shockingly well edited. Hell, even Jack was starting to get attracted to himself.

He shook it off and decided to make a folder of Dave in a maid suit to get back at him. Oh, shit wait. Now he has a boner.

He couldn't go out like this! Dave would've known that he snuck through his folder.

Well, that and there were shit tons of children out there. He couldn't sneak out and go to the safe room. It'd be too risky and-

Jack jumped a little once he heard the office door. He quickly closed out of the folder and hesitantly looked over to see who it was.

Oh it was just Dave.

Wait. FUCK that's the last person he'd want to see!

Jack couldn't stand up or else Dave would see his shockingly still-growing boner.

He sat there awkwardly, his eye twitching a little.

"You doing alright? You seem a bit. Fidgety."

Dave touched him, which made Jack recoil and push his hand away. Although, that made Dave take a glimpse.

"You found the folder didn't you?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Dave pulled him into a kiss. Jack didn't care enough to pull him off. He was too far into the situation to not fuck him.

Jack stood up and bent Dave over on the desk.

"Someone's eager." He laughed a little, though it got cut off once Jack suddenly pulled off his pants.

Dave held onto the desk tightly, anticipating what's to come.

Jack took off his own pants with shaky hands, letting them fall. He pulled his underwear down before rubbing himself against Dave's entrance.

Dave sighed out of pleasure. Looking up at one of the camera feeds and seeing the both of them. He laughed a little out of amusement.

"God we're so fucked when phoney watches the feed back."

Jack fit himself inside, making Dave breathlessly moan.

"Well, it'll be his problem."

He grabbed Dave's hips and roughly fucked him, making the receiving man moan loudly.
His thick accent mixing in with his moans made Jack feel. Fuzzy.

He wanted, or rather. Needed more. He needed more of Dave's needy moans.

Jack pulled out, making Dave whine. Jack didn't want to cum yet so he waited, going back in once the feeling died down.

Dave was reduced to nothing but desperate sobbing and whining. Of course, Jack was pretty sure Dave was into that. Dave's into almost anything masochistic. Does that surprise anyone? No.

After hitting Dave's prostate a few more times, Jack finally came inside, Dave following immediately after.

After they were done, it felt like the only thing the both of them could hear were Dave's hiccups.

Jack pulled out and sighed, kissing Dave's neck lovingly.

"God I love you so much."

He heard a soft sniffle, making Jack turn Dave around and kiss him.

Dave was extremely happy to say the least. Hell, that's underplaying it.

Once they got cleaned up, they left the office and noticed the phone man right there. "Get back to work you two."

He gave the both of them a disappointed look. It felt like they could ACTUALLY see it.

The phone man walked off to continue doing what he was doing, Dave flipping him off while his back was turned.

Jack pulled him into another kiss and they went back into the office. Well, at least Scott TRIED to tell them to do their jobs.

 Well, at least Scott TRIED to tell them to do their jobs

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