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Jack and Dave made plans to go to this carnival that was in town. Jack had called up Dave, asking to meet him at the place. Jack hopped in his car and drove off.

He parked in the lot and stretched tiredly, fixing the collar of his shirt before coming out, locking it before stuffing his hands in his pockets.

He went to the entrance and saw Dave there. He waved to him and Dave smiled. "Took you long enough."

"Hush, Dave. You know you always come too early."

Just by the look Dave give him after he said that, Jack was going to have a long, LONG day.

"Come on, let's just go." He held Dave's hand before walking to the booth, paying for their tickets.

"Oh, paying for me now, are we?"

"It was my idea, so I'm gonna pay for it. Here." He handed Dave his ticket, making Dave able to hold his other hand and bring it up to his lips to kiss it.

Jack's face turned a bright red.

"...Are you two done?"
The phone man behind the booth sounded irritated.

"Shut up, that's why your name is JERRY."

"Come ON Dave let's just go."

Dave 'HMPHed' in a sophisticated matter before walking off with his boyfriend.

"I hate this job." The man grumbled as they walked away.

"So where do you wanna go first Davey?"

"How about the tunnel of love?"

"Don't tell me you plan to makeout the whole time in there."

Dave just smiled at him. "No, I have a better idea."

Jack looked disappointed when Dave wasn't paying attention to him at ALL during the ride. He was just watching the decorations pass by in a interested way. Jack didn't know people still DID that.

Once the ride was over, Jack tightly held Dave's hand, kissing him on the cheek.

"Cmon, let's go get something to eat."
Dave nodded and followed Jack to some of the stalls.

"I can smell the overpriced delight from here."

Jack punched him in the shoulder jokingly. "Shut up, I'm paying for you anyway, dumbass."

Dave stuck his tongue out at him teasingly. "Fine, I'll keep it simple and order cotton candy. And that thing." He pointed at a weird kabob he saw.

Jack shrugged and bought the both of them for Dave while buying himself something to drink and popcorn, finding somewhere for them to sit.

The both of them ate calmly until they were finished, throwing away their trash as Jack continued to take a sip from his novelty cup, motioning it over to Dave for him to take a sip.

Dave gave him a smile as in to say 'thank you'.

They went on a few more rides before deciding the Ferris wheel should be their last ride for the day.

They went on a cab together and sat down, relaxing a little. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"Mhm it's no problem."

Dave held his boyfriend's hand and brought up to his mouth to kiss it.

Jack took another sip from his cup calmly as he started to blush a little again. "I don't know why you just started to do that."

Dave smiled and tilted his head. "Because I know that you're gonna get flustered over it."

Jack rolled his eyes as he continued to smile. "You're really something else."

"Yes, yes I am."

Jack looked outside the windows and watched the view, Dave following shortly after.

Eventually, the ride finished and the both of them got out, continuing to hold each other's hand out of the park.

"Want me to drop you off at your place?"

"How'd you know that I walked?"

"You live, like. 10 minutes away from this place."

Dave shrugged in response. "Could I come over to yours tonight instead?"

"Fine, but you better behave."

"Aye, aye." Dave jokingly saluted before following Jack to his car. The both of them got inside and drove to Jack's house.

The both of them eventually got out once they arrived at his house, Jack unlocked his house and the both of them walked in, closing the door shortly after.

"I'm gonna go crash, I'm really tired."

Dave nodded and quietly follows Jack to his bedroom. They both got in the bed and tightly hugged each other until Jack fell asleep.

Dave watched Jack sleep calmly, kissing him on the forehead before closing his eyes, eventually falling asleep as well.

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