saferoom fun

816 11 54

This is a story that I had in drafts for a good while and never finished until today. Enjoy I guess lmao. (Btw you might see a difference in writing styles so just ignore that)


'Another day, another dollar' everyone says. But Jack barely even got paid at this dead end job.

The ONLY good thing about this place is that fox and Dave.

Of course, that's a hard decision to choose.

Stay because of Dave? Or stay because of foxy?

He couldn't particularly decide. Both were pretty sexy, and had surprisingly huge dicks.

Not that he measured em of course. He was too busy doing something ELSE. Anyway, enough about that. Jack had work to do.

He sighed and stretched, walking into the restaurant tiredly. He didn't exactly get a good night's sleep unfortunately.

Oh well, though. What can he do?
The orange man walked past the main area and went straight to the safe room.

He noticed that Dave wasn't there yet. Or well, that's what he thought until he felt a hand cover his mouth.

He would've been afraid if he hadn't known Dave by now. He looked over at Dave who had a quite delighted expression.

Jack instinctively licked the inside of his hand, making Dave let go.

"Gross." Dave wiped his hand off before looking back over at Jack with a more hungry expression.

The both of them quietly stared at each other. Their expressions had darkened more. It seemed like the only things the both of them could see was each other's eyes glowing.

Which in a way, kinda made sense. It was quite dark in the saferoom. Eventually the silence was broken when Dave got closer, gently pulling Jack into a kiss.

After pulling away, he sneaked a hand down the shorter man's pants. "I can come over today, right?"

Jack had shivered a little before smiling. "I'll think about it."

Dave had palmed Jack through his underwear, watching a soft blush sneak on his face.

Hell, he was so distracted by Jack that he didn't notice himself start blushing. Or get hard but. Yknow, that's not really important.

Jack however noticed. I mean, how can he not? It's like seeing a stick inside some sand.

Jack unzipped his pants while Dave was distracted and stroked it through his underwear, making him snap back to reality.

Dave's blush grew once he realized what Jack was doing.

"H-Hey. You're close aren't ya? Don't you have to. Yknow, take yer pants off so you won't dirty em?"

Jack had ignored him and focused on his erection more. Dave let out a soft groan, pulling Jack off of him.

He pulled the shorter man's pants and underwear down, panting loudly before getting on his knees.

Dave had pulled his own dick out as well, rubbing himself quickly.

"C-Cmon. Don't make me beg."

Dave's eyes snaked from Jack's dick to his own eyes.

The shorter man had opened the other's mouth, slowly fitting inside of it.

He had let go and relaxed; knowing Dave would do the rest.

The purple man had swallowed down the whole thing, gagging a little as he moved it inside his elongated throat.

Jack arched his back a little, enjoying the warm tightness of the other's throat.

Unfortunately Dave couldn't really use his tongue in any of this since he already swallowed the other's cock.

He thought for a moment before gulping down more, fitting the other's balls inside his mouth.

"Hooly shit~" Jack couldn't tell if he was dreaming, or extremely fucking high right now.

Jack's precum spilt out his tip and down the rest of Dave's throat. Fortunately for Dave, he was actually able to smell Jack's pubes without him getting weirded out. Which now that Dave realized it; yeah, that was kinda weird of him to want to do that.

Oh well! At least he can do it now. Meanwhile, Jack had bucked his hips instinctively, his throat feeling extremely dry.

He choked out moans everytime he moved, eventually grabbing the back of Dave's head and roughly thrusting inside his throat.

Dave matched his stroking with Jack's speed, moaning against the extreme heat in his mouth.

Eventually Dave came on the floor, his moans muffling against Jack. The vibrations eventually threw him over the edge, making him spill his load.

Dave let go of his dick and held onto Jack's legs, swallowing the cum quickly before he started to choke.

Once Jack was done, he pulled out of Dave's mouth. "That was. Extremely hot." A bit of drool dripped out his mouth as he talked.

"Yeah." Jack had awkwardly pulled his underwear and pants back up, clearing his throat.

Dave stood up and grabbed some tissues he had, fixing himself up as well.

"So, uh.. Wanna go back to work?"


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