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This is an alternative universe where jack convinces Dave to stop killing kiddins. This oneshot is based off of deaf 3 but w/o davetrap.


A whine came from Dave as he tried to pull his boyfriend back.

"Dave you KNOW I always go to my place at least once per month. You always do this."

Dave turned him around, kissing him on the lips.

Though he was reluctant at first, he melted in the kiss. Dave tried to use tongue until the other pulled away.

"You've got your goodbye kiss, now I'm off."

After multiple annoyances from Dave, he finally caved in. He called Scott and told him he'd be a bit late to look over the place. Thankfully, the phone seemed relieved that he told him before hand.

Once he hung up, he opened his arms, making Dave tightly hug him. "Mmghrm. I don't want you to go."

"I know, I know. But I'll be back when I do go. You know it's only a few hours."

Dave 'hmphed' a little, making Jack furrow his eyebrows. "Cmon, you know I love you."

Dave crossed his arms, turning his head away with sophistication. Jack picked him up. Which was quite easy since, yknow. Henry incident.

"Let's watch something."

Dave squinted before trying to confirm his theory. "What, like a porno?"

Jack glared at him. Extremely considering to just drop him until, of course Dave defendedly apologized.


Dave hated how much he liked to be praised. ESPECIALLY by Jack. Jack walked over to the couch and laid Dave on top of lap once he sat down.

They weren't exactly focusing on the movie since they were kissing the whole time. Course, that movie was kinda bad anyway.

Once they were done, the movie still went on. Dave was getting tired so he started to drift off, making Jack sigh.

He carefully picked him up and laid him on the couch. He pulled a blanket over him and kissed him goodbye, leaving him a note.

Dave slept well, he snuggled into the blanket and made a soft purring noise.

Course that just made Jack want to stay and try again tomorrow but his manager sounded quite stressed.
He fixed his suit and tie before heading out.

Shortly after, Dave woke up. He started to freak out a little when Jack wasn't in his sight. He looked at the note Jack gave him and let out an audible whince.

"...what do I do now?"
He sat up and noticed the TV was off so he turned it on. The new movie was something about a couple. He changed the channel and found something else. Until there was a couple that got married.

He made an annoyed noise before leaning back on the sofa. He pulled out his phone and texted Jack.

'I miss u'

What the fuck. It's been 30 seconds and he still hasn't responded yet?? What if something bad happened to him??? What if-

'I know. It's a bit busy around here I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you when i get back'



That definitely made him feel better. But he wants kebabs now. And Jack. He wants the both of them.

Dave walked around the house aimlessly until he went into jack's room.

He went through some of his stuff and  found some 'interesting' items. By interesting, it's just some silly collection of stuff he bought when he used to work at the past locations.

After putting them away, Dave laid on the orange man's bed, basking in his scent. "I miss him."

His eyes watered a little bit he got up and went out the room. He went to one of the vents he connected to his own house.

He checked the cameras that he set up to make sure Jack didn't come home yet before doing some stuff around his own house.

After a few hours, Dave checked the time and it was already 6 pm. He should be home anytime now!

He went through the vent again and went to Jack's room to pretend he was asleep.

After Jack came home, he opened the door. "Dave I'm home!" No response. Did he leave?

Jack held a bag of kebabs he got from a place Dave liked, and some beer from a corner store that was being robbed.

After checking around the first floor, he went upstairs to check if Dave was asleep.

After opening the door, he noticed that Dave was there. He walked inside and woke him up.

Dave had to fake getting up since, yknow he wasn't asleep. "Welcome back, took you long enough."

"Oh shut up, you."

Jack kissed him for a little bit before pulling away, gently shoving the bag towards him.

"Cmon let's eat."

The both of them ate some kebabs before cracking open a beer.

"Heeell yeah! Crackin' open a cold one with old sport!"

Dave wrapped his arm around Jack, making him almost spill his beer.

"Jeez, Dave. You're really excited." Jack took a surprisingly long chug of his beer as he listened to Dave.

"Course I am! We haven't done this in a while, sportsy."

"You're such a softie Dave. Anything satisfies you."

"You definitely do."

Jack gave him a disapproving look in response instead of saying anything.

After already downing a few beers, Jack had to use the bathroom so he got up. "I'll be back in a few."


Since Jack left one halfway done, Dave grabbed his bottle and finished the rest of it. He yawned a little as he got tired.

He had already finished eating, but he didn't want to go to sleep before saying goodnight.

Eventually Jack came back and sat back on the bed.

"Oh you're done already?"

"Yeah and I was gonna go to sleep but I didn't want to until you came back."

"Well, huh. Thank you, I guess?"

Dave jokingly saluted him before going under the covers and immediately falling asleep.


Jack couldn't even figure out how the fuck he did that. He decide to not worry about it before he got a headache.

He cleaned up and shortly after fell asleep next to him.

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