gay people

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Dave had been working on some robotic stuff in the garage. He hadn't taken any breaks and he stayed up for a few nights.

Jack was getting quite lonely since Dave wasn't around. He visited his husband in the garage every now and then to give him some food and to just be around him but he still felt lonely.

One day; Dave came out of the garage and went up to their room.

Jack laid there reading something until he heard their door open.

"Oh, hey Dave. How are you?"

He placed the book down, expecting a response but Dave just flopped on the bed and tightly held onto him.

"You uh, you doin alright?"

The taller man let out a content noise, making Jack smile a little.

He was quite surprised once he felt a hand go down by his crotch. "Dave??"

"I'm sorry."

"Huh? For what?"

"For leaving you alone for so long."

Jack let out a groan once he felt Dave's hand go inside his pants. "It's fine- r-really. I was happy enough just by being around you."

"Stop bullshitting me. You always had a sad undertone to that smile you had."

"I- uh."

He let out another groan once Dave groped at him.

"Mh. R-Really. It's just."

He tried to think of something to say but he stayed quiet.

Dave sighed a little, letting go before going to sit up.

"I'm sorry." Jack's heart ached. He grabbed onto the other's arm and pulled him back down.

"I told you already. It didn't bother me at all. I'd rather be around you than be shut away."

Dave stayed quiet, gently moving a hand up the other's shirt.

"Is this okay?"

Jack nodded quietly, smiling a little.

Dave pulled his shirt off before trailing kisses down his chest.

"Nnh." Jack pet the back of his husband's head. Letting out a gasp once Dave's kisses reached his abdomen.

Dave looked up at him for approval, taking Jack's pants off once he was allowed to.

He then pulled down the other's boxers; trailing kisses around his erection.

A tired laugh escaped the purple guy's lips once Jack tensed up a little.

"You're so cute."

Dave licked and teased at the tip, trailing kisses down the base.

He looked up at his husband who thankfully seemed to enjoy every second.

He put a hand on the other's thigh before swallowing all of him.

Jack let out a hiss, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"Mmh." Dave went slow, making sure Jack felt every twinge of pleasure from his mouth.

Eventually he went quicker, closing his eyes once he started to enjoy it too.

The shorter man panted quietly, his legs trembling the quicker Dave went.

He let out a soft moan, tightening his hold on Dave to let him know that he was close.

Jack moaned out one last time before shooting down the other's throat.

Dave swallowed all of it, licking at the tip to milk him some more.

Once Jack was done, he relaxed, his chest heaving tiredly.

Dave pulled away, laying his head on Jack's other thigh.

"I love you."

"Love ya too Dave."

Eventually, Dave managed to finally fall asleep.

Jack picked up his book and continues to read, gently petting Dave every now and then, earning soft noises that sounded like purring.

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