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Basic summary;
Dave wants attention and Jack gives it to him in Freddy Fazbender's alley next to a dumpster.


Dave crossed his arms, watching impatiently as Jack worked.

"Didn't you say you hated working here? What's with the sudden change??"

Jack ignored him, wiping off some tables.

"You haven't even given me any attention at all today."

He began to complain more, irritating Jack even more.

"Ugh. Just be quiet for a second."

That just made Dave complain even more.

"You know, you never would've did this a few days ago. You would've just stayed in the safe room with me."

Was Dave trying to guilt trip him? Whatever, it's not his problem.

Eventually, he gave up. "I'll be by the dumpsters. I'll see you later, I guess."

Finally, some peace and quiet.

Still, Jack did feel bad.

He eventually did most of the work before heading out to the dumpsters.

Dave lit up once he saw Jack but he played it cool.

"Looks like someone finally caught the bait. Took ya long enough."

Jack pulled him into a kiss, roughly pushing him against the wall.

Dave moaned inbetween the kisses, opening his legs once Jack used his knee to probe at the other's crotch.

Jack eventually pulled away from the kiss, making Dave whine a little.

"Weren't you complaining about me not giving you attention earlier? Well here I am."

Dave grinded against Jack's knee desperately.

It was kinda cute to see.

Jack pulled down the other's pants, moving a hand down to the brim of his boxers.

Jack hummed quietly, pulling them down.

Seeing Dave's cock spring out was always amusing.

The way it bounces whenever Jack pulls the boxers off was always mesmerizing.

Maybe Jack should get a different hobby other than staring at his boyfriend's dick.

It's not like he meant to most of the time, it just happens.

ANYWAY, enough of that. Dave was getting antsy.

Jack pulled down his own pants and boxers, pulling Dave into another kiss, moving his hips to gain friction for the both of them.

Dave furrows his eyebrows, pulling away from the kiss. "Jack. I need you. Just fuck my brains out please."

Huh. That was easy.

Jack lined himself up with Dave's entrance, watching the taller man's pupils turn into hearts.

Jack decided to tease him. "I've never seen you this needy before Davey~ are you just lying so you could get away from me?"

Jack swore that Dave's pupils shook as he spoke.

"Sport if you don't fuck me right now I'll flip you over and rail you so hard until you cant fucking walk."


Anyway, Jack figured that he should probably get this over with before the phone man caught them banging.

Jack quickly fit inside the other's entrance, quickly fucking into him.

The only thing the both of them could hear was loud slapping and the moans coming out of the both of their mouths.

Dave did get what he wanted, his ass was getting obliterated.

The murderer for Dave's ass eventually got closer to his orgasm, cumming inside before suddenly pulling out and cumming on the other's ass.


Jack rubbed his cock, milking a little bit more cum out.

"I'm gonna go clean up. Cya in the bathroom babes."

Jack went back in the restaurant, leaving Dave there. Exactly what Dave did to him earlier.

Once he finally caught his breath. Dave cleaned himself up a little and stormed off to the bathroom where the both of them had a second round. Not too surprising.

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