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It's been a week since our last mission and two weeks since I've had sex. If I don't do something to relieve my stress soon, I'll stab milo. We're currently in the living room playing monopoly and he refuses to give up.

"I don't have any more money. Just give me a free pass this time and if you step on my house I'll return the favor." Milo says confidently like there's a chance in hell he can possibly win this game. I have six properties and all of them have hotels. He's down to his last two dollars and he had to pawn all of his properties.

"Milo the game is over, just give up." I tell him, annoyed.

"No. I want to keep playing with you" he says, pouting.

I sigh. "We can play when I get back. I'm going for a run, wanna come?" I ask him

He hops to his feet. "yes!" He says with a big smile on his face.

I laugh at his enthusiasm. "Okay, go get ready."

I walk to my room and get dressed before putting my hair up in a ponytail and putting on my apple watch.

Milo opens my bedroom and struts in wearing grey sweatpants and a white tank top, exposing his muscles. My eyes linger a little too long on his body and he grabs my attention "you like what you see?" He says with a smirk on his face. It's been too long since I've had sex.

I roll my eyes at him "let's go."
We're about two miles into the run when we see a little old lady on the sidewalk selling flowers. Milo walks up to her and smiles, "hi! Can I have a rose please."

"Just the one?" She asks and Milo nods.

"Oh sure! That'll be three dollars darling." Milo takes the rose from her and gives her a hundred dollar bill. Her eyes widen and he winks at her. "Have a nice day ma'am."

"That was sweet" I tell him. He blushes and hands me the rose.

We turn to leave and a guy on his phone walks into me knocking my rose to the ground. He continues walking without saying a word and I go to ask him what his problem is but Milo beats me to it. "Hey! What the fuck is your problem?" He says pushing the guy in his chest.

"Whoa dude, back up." The guy says.

Milo is 6'4 but this guy still towers over him. He's about 6'7, around thirty years old, bald headed and by the looks of his muscles, the gym is his only friend.

"Watch where the fuck you're going asshole, you bumped into my best friend." Milo says.

The guy steps closer to milo and shoves him in the chest. "Maybe you should tell that bitch to watch where she's going." Oh wrong move buddy.

The guy doesn't even have time to react before Milo's right fist slams into his face. The guy stumbles back holding his nose which is now bleeding and Milo decides to keep going when he sees my rose on the ground. He slams his right fist into the guy's face over and over until his right hand turns bloody and then he decides to keep going with his left. People are starting to stop and watch but I know better than to stop milo. Milo is a sweetheart but once he gets mad, he become a completely different person. He'll stop once he's had enough.

As if on cue, he comes to a halt when the bald guy holds up his hands in defense and pleads.

"Had enough?" Milo says, giving him a wicked smile.

The guy is now bent over spitting blood and teeth out of his swollen face. He nods his head. "I'm sorry" he says softly.

"I'm not the one you should be saying that to." Milo grabs the back of his neck and walks him over to me. "Tell her."

"I-im sorry." he says.

"Now pick up the rose and hand it to her" Milo tells him while smiling at me. The rude man picks up my pretty rose and hands it to me. Milo lets go of his neck and the guy rushes away.

"You okay love?"

I smile at him "I'm okay. How's your hands?"

He looks at me confused before looking at his hands and finally realizes he's bleeding. "Huh."

I giggle "Come on. Let's go home so I can bandage you up."
"What the fuck happened to your hands?" Cassius says looking down at milo who's sitting on the toilet while I grab the supplies from the cabinets.

"This asshole bumped into Amaris while we were out running and called her a bitch" Milo says.

Cassius turns to me upset. "you okay bug?"

"I'm okay." I give him a reassuring smile before walking over to Milo and applying alcohol on his wounds.

"You should've killed him." Cassius tells Milo.

"No. We can't just go around killing innocent people. Plus, if I wanted him dead, I would've killed him myself. "

"Innocent?! He bumped into you and called you a bitch!" He yells.

"Yes and Milo broke his face. No killing innocents." I say pointing at him. "I mean it Cas. No going through security cameras and finding this guy."

He mumbles something under his breath and storms off.

I sigh and turn back to milo who's trailing his eyes up and down my body. "Hey! Eyes up here." I say hitting him in the back of his head.

"Ouch. You know, You should stand between my legs to bandage me up like they do in the movies." Milo says, giving me a sexy ass smile.

Maybe I should do it. You know, for the experience and all that. I start thinking about what it would be like to stand in between his legs with his hands trailing up my thighs and grabbing my hips, pulling me closer to him. I blink away my dirty thoughts "That's only for head injuries" I tell him, trying to calm myself down. I really need to get laid. Not by any of my boys but by literally anyone else. I'll even take the doorman at this point.

I finish wrapping Milo's hands and slap him in the back of the head again. "Be careful next time. If you hurt your hands you won't be able to play the piano for me anymore."

"Don't worry, love. I'd play the piano with broken fingers if I had to."

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