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This might be the quietest car ride I've ever experienced. I'm nervous. Not about seeing my old boss or the possibility of death but for Amaris; I'm nervous for Amaris. I now know better than most how strong she is but she's also fragile. As much as she doesn't like it, I feel the need to protect her. She's...special to me. She's my best friend.

"Are you okay, grim?" Aunt Joyce asks, breaking the silence and I turn to look at Amaris. Her head is resting on the window and she stares outside the moving vehicle quietly. I'm sitting next to her in the back of the car and her aunt sits on the opposite side facing us.

Amaris doesn't answer so I nudge her shoulder and she finally turns her focus back to us. "Oh, I'm fine. How are you, baba? It's been a while since you've had to come out in the field," she says before laying down on my lap and propping her feet up on the car door.

"I'll feel better once I've killed him," Aunt Joyce says, crossing her legs and picking up her phone. Presumably to check on the progress of the plan.

After what happened last time, everyone decided that it would be best if the boys took high-ranking mafia members in first before Amaris goes in.

The plan

1. Aiden, Cassius, Milo, and seventy-five top-ranking mafia members go in first to intercept the shipment and immobilize the assets (Amaris's dad and his lover)

2. Jerome and his newly appointed sniper squad of three go in to dispose of the yakuza's sniper team and take their positions before giving us the 'OK'.

3. Aunt Joyce AKA "The Baba Yaga" and Amaris AKA "The Grim Reaper" go in to deliver punishment unto those deserving.

"What are you thinking about, Sammy?" Amaris asks, pulling me out of my thoughts and I look down at her.

"Just going over the plan in my head."

"Are you afraid?" she asks.

"Yes," I answer honestly. "But not for me. For you." She furrows her brows and I place my hand on her forehead. "I don't want to lose you. You're my best friend."

She removes my hand from her forehead and brings it to her mouth. I know what she's going to do before she does it but I don't pull away. She bites my finger and I laugh. Every time she does it, I laugh. "Thank you. For worrying about me. You won't lose me, promise."

She intertwines my pinky with hers and a weight lifts off my shoulders. She looks up at me and her eyes are so sure that I can't help but believe her. I want to be by her side, always.

"You know, she's never had friends before. Not outside of the boys. At first, I wasn't sure if I could trust you so I looked into your past," Aunt Joyce starts, leaning forward and glaring at me.

"Baba please don't..." Amaris says before turning her head to the side.

"Let me finish." Aunt Joyce says, pinching Amaris's cheek. "You betrayed the yakuza without a second thought, you worked directly under her father, and you hurt her the first time you met. I thought she was crazy but I should've known better."

Amaris goes to say something but I want to hear what her aunt has to say so I quickly cover her mouth and she mumbles her protest. Her aunt smiles and continues, "I've watched you with her. The way you look at her. Not like you want her but like you admire her. Like you're grateful for her."

"I can't help it. She cares about me." I say honestly and she nods.

Amaris removes my hand from her mouth and the look in her eyes changes to one I don't recognize. Her playful smile falls and her face goes blank.

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