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"Hi baba." I say walking into my aunt's office at headquarters.

Her head snaps up and she gives me a huge smile "hello my baby!" She gets up from her desk and rushes over to me giving me a big hug. Over the years I've learned to accept her love- it wasn't hard seeing as though she became a second mother to me. She also taught me to accept it from others one step at a time and that's probably the only reason why I haven't murdered any of the boys yet for leaving the toilet seat up in the bathroom and for not taking off their bloodied shoes at the door.

"Shhh. Someone might hear you." I tell her, giggling at how excited she is to see me.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. How are you? I missed you." she says, pulling away.

Because my real identity is kept secret, I can't see her as often as I'd like. Since i'm one of the most skilled killers she has, the others don't question why I get my assignments directly from her which is really just a cover for me to come say hi.

"I missed you too baba. You look pretty" I tell her, looking at her black suit that exposes her black lace bra and her black heels with a pop of red on the bottom. She doesn't like me calling her baba after "baba yaga" because she doesn't want me to see her as scary but I once saw her kill a man with her hair clip so I think we're way pass that.

"You like?" She says smiling and giving me a turn.

"I love! We should go shopping."

"It's a date," she says, winking at me. "Where are your bodyguards?" she asks curiously, folding her arms in front of her.

"Bodyguards?" I ask in confusion, "oh you mean my boys."

"Yes. Your boys. Where are they? They should be with you at all times to keep you safe grim." She says.

I sigh "I can protect my self baba but they're downstairs. I told them to socialize and make friends."

Headquarters is pretty much what it sounds like. It's probably the most heavily guarded building in California. This is where we come to check in with the bosses, get assignments, relay intel, train with the upper levels, get weapons and occasionally come to visit my aunt. At any given moment they are about two hundred newbie mafia members here out of the thousands that are active. I told the boys to play nice.

"Those boys stick on to you like glue. When would they have time to maintain a friendship?" She says in a flat tone.

"It doesn't hurt to try." I tell her, pulling out a chair to sit. "Catch me up on the latest."

She goes to lean against her desk and she's about to speak when a knock sounds at the door.

"Come in." She says, sighing.

"Sorry to interrupt boss but you were right, i've just got the numbers back and it looks like we're making too much money" a small man walks in pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and handing my aunt some documents.

He looks at me and his eyes go wide "Oh wow, hi i'm Greg. Oh wow you're the grim reaper. Well that's not what I call you i-i mean that's what everyone here calls you. Do you know the new recruits come here to wait on their days off hoping they'll run into you so you can train them? I mean you're just so amazing who wou-"

"Hi Greg." I say cutting him off. "It's nice to meet you but you can just call me jade. Now tell me, what is it you were saying about too much money?" I say giving him a devious smile.

"Oh yes. We can't have too much cash for obvious reasons so we keep our money in banks but since the expansion into Europe, we've been making way more money and we haven't been able to find a bank that will take it. We suspect the Russians have something to do with it. We'll need to find about five more banks to hold the kind of money were getting in. If you look here you can see how much we have left over and this is just for this month" he says moving unnecessarily close to my aunt and pointing at the document. When she glares at him, he backs up and clears his throat.

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