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Amaris pulls out two kunai knives and spins then around her index finger before grabbing them in her hands and taking a defensive positions. 

I put my hands up in surrender and she glares at me. "Woah there's no need for those, princess. We don't want to fight you."

"yeah, we all know you'd win anyway." Sam says walking out from the corner with a bag of chips in his hand. I completely forgot he was here. "Hey beautiful, I missed you." He smiles at Amaris and something like relief passes through his eyes. 

A crack forms in the wall Amaris has up and for the tiniest second her gaze softens before she snuffs it out and regains control. Her eyes land on the doctor and the look on her face screams murderous intent. "Hand him over. Now."

"Now why would we do that?" Cassius asks, sticking his hand in his pockets. 

"So I don't have to take him from you. When we last spoke, we made a deal Cassius. You've not only broken that deal, you're now in my way. Hand him over like a good boy and spare yourself another scar." Amaris says in a slow sexy tone. 

"We want something in return." Milo says, leaning back against the door. 

Amaris looks at him with that same chilling smile as before. "Oh? and what would that be?"

Milo, like the weak man he is, loses focus so I take over. "We want you back. All of you. Back to normal." I say, walking toward her and she steps back. "Relax, princess. I just want to talk." 

"Do it from a distance. I don't trust you not to knock me out with some of that ketamine Sam is always carrying around or some new complacency drug Milo created."

Smart girl. "Baby, we'd never." I say, feigning innocence. I mean we would but nothing so harsh. We made sure the drug aunt Joyce gave us doesn't leave her with a headache after and it will only be used as a last resort. 

I take another step but this time she doesn't back down. Instead she turns and holds her kunai knives out on either side of her, one toward me and one toward milo.  "Talk from where you stand, Aiden." She says in a harsh tone and I stop.

"Okay. This is hurting you Amaris. Being like this, suppressing a part of yourself. It's hurting you, pretty girl. We don't want to stop you. If you want to kill the doctor, he's yours. We just need you to let the pain in."

Cassius came up with the idea of Amaris embracing her pain. After seeing the pictures of her being strapped down and drugged, he doesn't want to put her through that again. It's a long shot but we figured if she chose to cope with her pain instead of being forced to choose between two extremes- pain or bloodlust- she'd be better off. The grim reaper was created to take her pain away but really it's just the person she becomes when she locks the vulnerable part of herself away. If she can merge those two parts, she won't have to keep choosing. or at least we hope. 

Amaris looks at us confused and then as if she can't believe what she's hearing, she laughs. "You can't be serious."


Her head snaps to look at Cassius at the sound of her nickname and as if the word brings her comfort, she exhales and looks at him with soft eyes.

"Please. This is hurting you." Cassius pleads.

"Do you understand what you're asking me to do? I don't feel pain. The way I am now, I'm invulnerable. You're asking me to give that up? What happens when someone I love inevitably hurts me? What happens when someone I love dies?" She closes her eyes tightly and shakes her head. "No no no, I can't."

"Yes. Yes you can." Milo says and she spins around to meet his eyes. "You're the strongest person I know, love. you've already been through what would've broken most people. "

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