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PSA: This chapter will be 98% smut. 

"Oh fuckkkkkk! Please, don't stop," Amaris begs.

For the sake of our activities tonight, we rearranged the layout of Amaris's room. Her bed isn't quite high enough and I was really looking forward to eating her out from the back so I dragged her work desk into her room and placed it in front of her floor-to-ceiling windows. 

Since we've decided to torture her a little, I thought I'd at least give her a pretty view. Amaris is currently bent over said desk, looking out over the city with my tongue inside of her.

"Mmmm," I groan into her pussy and she pushes back into my face. So greedy. Unfortunately for her, I can't let her come just yet. I feel her starting to tighten around me and before she has the chance to climax, I pull my tongue out of her.

"No, no, FUCK!" she yells and collapses forward. I kiss her clit once more and lick the juices slipping down her thigh before standing up.

"I'm sorry, princess. Truly." I say, walking around the desk to check on her.

"Fuck you," she says, breathing heavily onto the desk. I chuckle and lift her head to find tears streaming down her face. I kiss her tears before kissing her lips, and she melts into me. Such a good girl.

"Please let me come, daddy." She whispers, and I pull back in shock.

She's never called me that before but it ignites something in me. I like having this much power over her.

"Daddy, huh? I like it." I say, smiling down at her, and she bites her bottom lip. "But no," I say, and she groans in frustration. I turn to the other two who are watching us with a look of hunger in their eyes and nod at Cassius. "You're up next."

Amaris is special and she deserves all the attention she could possibly handle so in order for us to give her exactly what she needs, we've been taking turns. One by one we've brought her right up to the edge before stopping and switching. This will be her tenth round. Nine times now she's cried and begged us to let her cum and nine times we've refused. 

This may seem sadistic, but she knows the only way for us to stop torturing her and make her come is for her to say her safe word. Like the good little girl she is, she's enjoying this as much as we are. When she can no longer take the build up, she'll say the magic word and we'll be more than happy to make her explode. 

I walk over to join milo and sit next to him on the couch that's positioned just right for us to see everything. His eyes never leave her body and I can tell he's already starving for her even though his turn was just before mine. 

"How much longer do you think she'll last?" milo asks, keeping his eyes on Amaris as Cassius turns Amaris over, wrap her legs around him, and pins her up against the window.

"Not long. She likes our little game but she's getting desperate." I say, watching as Cassius slides into her. She moans and lets her head fall back against the window.

"Open your eyes, baby. Look at Milo and Aiden while I fuck you," Cassius says and Amaris does as she's told. She opens her eyes and looks at us while moaning Cassius's name.

"She's so fucking perfect," Milo says and I nod, refusing to look anywhere else but at the woman I love getting fucked by one of my best friends.

"Tell them how good I'm making you feel, baby," Cassius says before biting down on her shoulder, and just as before, Amaris does as he tells her. She's breathing heavily and moaning loudly but she still obeys.

"S-sooo good," She moans as Cassius speeds up his pace. "Oh fuck. He makes me feel so fucking good."

"Keep going," Cassius demands. Bringing a hand down to rub her clit.

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