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"You know me as Jade Sinclair or the "Grim Reaper" but my real name is Amaris Ambrose. I'm the daughter of Astra and Christopher Ambrose, the niece of Joyce Jacobs, and the heir to the Lion's head mafia organization."

Amaris said this approximately three whole minutes ago and no one has said a word since.

Amaris stands at the head of the table with a screen behind her displaying her old passport picture. Cassius and Milo occupy the first two seats closest to her on the right side of the table, while Aunt Joyce and I occupy the two closest to her on the left. Sam and Jerome sit opposite each other in the middle, Sam on our side and Jerome on the right. Four division heads sit further down and the eldest sits at the tail end, opposite Amaris.

I keep my hand under the table and brush my fingers against the gun I have placed there to make sure it's where I need it to be in case this doesn't go the way we want it to. Our security made everyone pass through a metal detector before entering but we couldn't stop them from bringing their security guards. Of course, they couldn't enter so about thirty armed men currently stand outside the door.

"I'm sure you all have questions for me but before you ask them, I would advise you to tread lightly. I don't take too kindly to being accused and given who my father is, I'm sure I can guess what you're all thinking."

Finally, one of the younger men sets his elbow on the table and leans forward. "Could you blame us? Look who your father is. Honestly, I think you are in no position to be dictating what you do or don't take kindly to."

My finger twitches on my gun but Amaris walks around and places her hands on my shoulders. Her squeeze tells me to behave and I let go.

His twin brother that sits beside him joins in. "You're the one on trial here, Ja- Amaris."

The Callahan brothers. We've only ever met them once. They spend most of their time drinking and sleeping with anything that has a pulse.

Amaris stays quiet but it doesn't take long before someone else speaks up. "If you ask me, the fact that your father is still alive says a whole lot about whether you're trustworthy or not.

Instead of turning to see who spoke, I look down at Amaris's hands on my shoulder. She's squeezing me tighter. I'm sure no one else notices since she does an amazing job of hiding her emotions but I can feel her. She's ready to kill.

She's quiet for a moment before she answers. "No one's asking."

This time I look to see who responds. Justin Alan. He sits next to the girl who giggles at Amaris's response. His face is forgettable at best but he comes from a long line of mafia men and the division he runs is no joke. If Amaris hadn't lectured us on the consequences of getting involved, I would blow his brains out.

The irritation shows on his face in the form of bright red cheeks. "I beg your pardon?"

Amaris leaves me and walks back to the head of the table before sitting in her seat and crossing one leg over the other. "Then beg."

He stammers and Amaris holds up a hand to cut him off. "There seems to be a misunderstanding here. I'm not here to beg for forgiveness nor am I here to ask for permission. I'm here to set the record straight and stop speculation."

The younger men seethe but the eldest opposite from her laughs. "You sound a lot like your mother, little one."

Amaris furrows her brows before smiling. "Well, I am her daughter."

Cain. He goes by one name only and no one knows much about him. He's only in his thirties but some refer to him as an elder since he was recruited by Amaris's mom and was a part of the original team. He has a scar over his lip that's said to have been placed there by Amaris's mom during a practice match. Apparently, he could never beat her and that's when the idea of challenging the strongest came about.

"Yes, you are," he says, running his hand over his beard. "So what is it that you want from us little one?"

"Time, confidentiality, and protection. I need some time to figure out what to do with my father. I'll be gone for a few weeks but when I get back I'll have a decision. For obvious reasons I also can't have people finding out I'm Amaris Ambrose so in addition to keeping it a secret, I would also appreciate it if you could shut down anyone who tries to dig up information about me"

Amaris unfolds her legs and stands. Picking up folders and passing them out. "Of course, I'm willing to pay. When I decide to take over this organization, I'll need people I can trust. As for now, your division sizes will increase. Think of it as some kind of down payment. I may not know all of you personally but your loyalty to this organization is apparent."

"You're just giving this to us? Just like that?" Justin asks, looking over the details in his folder.

"As I said, you can think of it as a down payment. If you handle this well, I will allocate more resources to your individual divisions to use as you see fit," Amaris says.

The girl whose been giggling and staring at Amaris this entire time finally speaks. "What if we betray you?"

"I'll kill you," Amaris replies immediately. "Slowly."

Luna, the youngest division head, smiles. Her skin color is similar to Amaris's but a pink scar covers her right shoulder. She doesn't talk much and she doesn't look at anyone aside from Amaris but for all her peculiarness, she's quite lethal.

"Good. You're as smart as you look. If any of these guys betray you, I'd be happy to help out. Beautiful women should keep their hands clean," she says and Amaris laughs.

"I'll keep that in mind." 

The Vacay arc is up next so get ready for a lot of fun and sex! Don't forget to vote and comment lovelies! :)

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