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There's pain and bright lights. I can't speak. I can't move. Everything hurts and I'm confused.

I start coughing and I hear Aiden's voice. "Amaris?" He yells for a doctor and I wince at the loud noice. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry princess" He rushes over to me and puts his hand on my forehead.

I groan and try my best to speak "hi" I say looking up at him.

"Hi beautiful." He leans down to kiss my forehead. "You scared me."

The doctor runs in after Milo who has coffee in his hands. "She's awake. You're awake." He sets the two coffee cups down, rushes over to me and wrap his arms around me "I missed you, love."

I wince a little from the pain and Aiden hits Milo in the head. "You're hurting her!"

"I'm sorry." Milo says, looking at me with worry.

"It's okay." I whisper and smile at him.

The doctor clears his throat "May I please have a look at her now?" Aiden and Milo glare at him and I giggle.

"Yes that's fine." I tell him.

The doctor does his examination and tells me that I'll need to take it easy for the next month or so. He also gave me some pills to take home for the pain and to speed the healing process up.

"Where's Cas?" I ask, looking around the hospital room.

Milo and Aiden look at each other as if they're trying to figure out who should tell me my dog just died. Wait...

"Is- is Cas okay? Did he get hurt?" I look between them with wide eyes.

"No, no he's not hurt. I'm not sure if he's okay though." Aiden says.

"He's been killing with no remorse again." Milo sighs.

Oh that's not good. Cassius with no remorse is like a vampire with no humanity. We're in the business of killing so murder isn't unusual but if Cassius's murderous alter ego isn't locked away, he'll kill with no regard for human life and he won't care who gets hurt in the process.

"Okay. You guys need to get me out of here." I say, trying my best to sit up.

"What? No. You can't even walk." Aiden growls at me.

"Now Aiden." I glare at him.

"Oh my goodness! Ms jade, are you okay?" The sweet door man rushes over and opens the door.

Aiden and Milo said the only way they would take me home was if I agreed to be pushed in a wheel chair so Aiden is currently pushing me and Milo is to my left.

"Oh I'm fine jerry. Don't worry about me." I say giving him a sweet smile.

"She's not fine jerry, she got shot in the shoulder and chest, she had surgery for internal bleeding and she fell from the thirtieth floor of a building and landed on her head. She also just got out of a coma three hours ago." Milo says, tilting his head at me and tapping his foot like he's a mother scolding her child.

"Oh don't be dramatic." I roll my eyes at Milo and turn my head back to the sweet man. "I was wearing a bullet proof vest when I was shot in the chest jerry."

"Ohh I see. Would you like me to update the boss ms jade? I can let her know you'll be out of the game for a while." Jerry says looking at me with sadness on his face.

"Oh that won't be necessary. I'll let her know." I say, before Aiden scoffs and wheels me to the elevator. I'm glad I decided to hire a retired killer as my doorman. It would be a pain in the ass to explain my current state to a normal person.

When we get to our door, I hear screaming. Isn't the play room soundproof?

Milo opens the door and I see Cassius dragging a man by the back of his neck. "Really? I'm gone for two weeks and this is what I come home to?"

Cassius's head spins around at the sound of my voice and he punches the man in his face, knocking him out before rushing over to me. "You're awake" He whispers into the crook of my neck and hugs me tightly.

"I am. Something you would have known if you would have answered the phone when Aiden called." I say, hugging him back.

My phone, unlike me, didn't survive the fall.

"I'm sorry bug. I'm so so sorry." He says hugging me even tighter. "I couldn't protect you."

I pull away and place a hand on his cheek "Cassius you have nothing to be sorry about. You saved my life." I say giving him a smile. "Now will you please tell me what the hell you've been doing."

Cassius scratches the back of his head and looks down. "I- they hurt you so I hurt them."

I did this to him. He was doing so good and now he's going cold again.

I sigh "How do I bring you back to me?"

"I don't know" he says before pulling away from me. I nod understanding it will take time.

"Who's that?" I point to the guy that's currently sleeping on the floor with birds circling around his head.

"The son of the cousin of one of Issac's men."

"Okay. I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Please don't kill him out here." I say, placing my hands on the handles of my wheelchair and standing up. Bad idea.

I fall and Milo catches me. "I got you." He whispers, winking at me.

"Thank you" I say, rolling my eyes.

Milo carries me to my room and brings me water with one of the pills my doctor prescribed before tucking me in and leaving me to rest.

I wake up to someone sitting on the edge of my bed and I instinctively grab the knife from under my pillow.

"It's me bug." Cassius says in a bored tone, blocking my attack and taking the knife from my hand.

"Geez. Don't you know I'm a big bad killer Cas?" I joke and he laughs.

"Yeah I know." He whispers.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I- I just wanted to be with you." He whispers and although it's pitch black, I can tell he's sad. He blames himself for me getting hurt.

"Come sleep next to me." I say patting the blank space on my bed.

He walks around to the other side of my bed and gets in. "Can we cuddle?"

I laugh at how cute he's being right now "Yes but no lingering fingers or i'll cut them off." I say backing up into him and he lightly wraps his arms around me.

He inhales and the hairs on the back of my neck stands up. "You smell good bug. I couldn't sleep without you here."

My heart breaks when I think about how they all must have felt. If any of them got hurt I'd lose my mind. Cassius still blames himself for not being able to protect his mom and if I didn't wake up, he would've blamed himself for that too.

"I'm here now," I say putting my hand over his "And I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

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