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This has gone on long enough, I'd like to go home now. "What do you say we put down the knives and call it a night fellas?" I say to the two men in front of me.

"Or we can just kill you and your friends." The first guy says, lunging at me.

"Have it your way." I say before blocking his attack and punching him in the stomach. He groans and I punch him in the face, knocking him to the ground. The other guy moves towards me holding his arm out and I slash his wrists, making him drop his knife, before stabbing him in the eyes. The first guy attempts to stand up and I decide to have a little fun with him.

I'm in the middle of punching his face in when I here Aiden yelling.

"Princess, look out!"

I look over and see Amaris tossing a knife. She doesn't have time to react before she's shot in the chest and she stumbles back.

Milo and Aiden must see what I see because they yell out for Amaris and run to try to grab her. They won't make it. My eyes land on her parachute and I immediately make a run for it.

Bullets are still flying when I run and grab the parachute. Fuck I can't get to her if they're shooting at me. "Cover me!" I yell at milo and Aiden and they realize what I'm about to do.

I run past them while putting the backpack on and they come together behind me forming a shield and start shooting at Issac's men. I get to the window and immediately jump out, putting my hands at my side.

I'm coming for you baby, don't worry.

I see Amaris but she's too far. Her eyes are closed and she's smiling. She thinks she's going to die.

2 years ago
"Do you think people always die afraid?" Amaris looks up at me with blood on her face. We're in the playroom and she just tortured a traitor for information.

"Only when you kill them bug." I tell her, wiping the blood from her cheek.

She closes her eyes and laughs. Her laugh is my favorite sound. I hope it's the last thing I hear before I die.

After a minute, her face turns serious "I want to be smiling when I die. I don't want to be afraid. I think my parents were afraid when they died." She says looking down.

"You're not dying anytime soon bug, not if I can help it. I'll always be there to save you. I promise." I tell her tilting her head up and placing a kiss on her forehead.

I would give my life for her's. She's everything to me.

When I get close to Amaris I put my hands out and wrap them around her waist. She finally opens her eyes and tightly wrap her arms around me. Fuck, we're too close to the ground. I brace for impact, spinning her so that my back is towards the ground and I pull the parachute.

We fall hard and she rolls out of my arms, hitting her head.

I groan at the sharp pain in my back and sit up to check on her. Her eyes are closed and she's not moving.

"Amaris? Come on bug, wake up." I say, lightly patting her face.

Aiden and Milo runs up to us, with worry spread across their faces.

"Amaris? Amaris!" Milo says rushing next to her.

Aiden kneels down and sits back, placing her head on his legs. "Come on princess. Open those pretty eyes for me." He says with watering eyes.

"Please don't do this. You can't leave us." Milo say's with a tear falling down his cheek.

"If you do this, If you leave me, I'll never forgive you." I tell her. I know it's not her fault and it's not fair but she's the only person I love enough to hate.  "Amaris wake the hell up now!"  I yell.

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