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"Why do you look like you're in pain?" Aiden asks from beside me on the couch.

"What? I- I'm not in pain." I say, keeping my eyes on the TV and trying to avoid eye contact.

"Yes, you are. You hissed when you sat down. What are you hiding?" He asks, turning my face so I can look him in the eye.

I sigh and go to speak but Cassius beats me to it. "She's not in pain. She's sore." He says with a smirk on his face, walking over to me with a cup of water and an ibuprofen. I blush and take the medicine from him.

Aiden glares at Cassius "You couldn't wait until I got back from my meeting?"

Cassius smiles at him "She had to be punished."

"I'm right here. I can hear you." I say, rolling my eyes and running my hand through Milo's hair while he's fast asleep on my lap.

"Let me make it up to you. I'm in a good mood." Cassius says.

"Basketball game." Aiden says, getting up and kissing me on the head before walking to the in-home basketball court.

"Fine." Cassius says, coming over to kiss my head before following after Aiden.

I sigh and look at milo "It's just you and I bubba."

The guys are extremely close but Aiden and Cassius have always had a special bond. Our enemies often refer to them as the mayhem twins because of how in sync they are. They could definitely pass as brothers. A part of me loves how connected they are but I also wish they were like that with Milo. Milo, on the other hand, couldn't care less since it results in him getting more of my attention.

My phone rings and I reach over to grab it off of the coffee table placed in the center of the living room.

*incoming call... BABA*

"Hey baba." I say, grabbing the remote to pause the TV.

"Don't "hey baba" me. You had surgery and you didn't tell me!?" She yells

I hiss at the loudness "Who told you? Was it my doorman?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows and going back to run my hand through Milo's hair.

"It doesn't matter grim. You almost died and you didn't tell me?" She says, sounding hurt and my heart breaks a little.

"I'm sorry baba. I didn't want you to worry and you would've been sad that you couldn't visit me when I was in pain. We both know you can't come see me because It would look suspicious. I figured I'd just tell you when I got better and that way I could come to you all healed up." I reason.

She sighs, accepting defeat "Are you okay now?"

"Good as new!" I beam.

"Come see me. I'm going to put in an assignment order."

"Okay. I'll see you then."

"I love you grim."

"I love you too baba." I say before hanging up.

"I love you too." Milo says, opening his eyes and smiling at me.

"Oh I know." I say, pinching his nose.

He laughs and tries to bite my finger. I pull my hand away and he lifts my shirt up to bite my stomach instead.

"Milo!" I Laugh and try to suffocate him with a pillow. "Say sorry."

"Nope." Is all he says before he springs up from the couch and lifts me up by the ankles.

"Milo! Put me down!"

"Tell me something I want to hear. Oooo tell me I'm your favorite."

"Fine. You're my favorite." I say laughing and he lays me back down on the couch.

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