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"This is where Amaris's mom was born?" Milo asks, staring out the window of the car.

Aiden raises his head from the files in his lap to follow his line of sight. "According to Aunt joyce."

"It's beautiful." Milos says, rolling down his window to inhale the scent of the ocean breeze.

"Yeah." I agree, doing as he does. It really is gorgeous. The trees are so green and every body of water is incredibly blue. I wish we all came here together. Maybe one day when the painful memories dull, we can bring Amaris back for a vacation.

"How will we know where to find her?" Sam asks. We won't.

"We won't. She's too good. I'm sure she knows that we're here looking for her by now and I doubt she's staying at the address Aunt Joyce gave us. Either way, it's a start. We'll set up there as a base and then we'll meet with the doctor." Aiden says, echoing my thoughts exactly.

"Well what if she already found the doctor?" Sam continues.

"That's definitely a possibility but she's in a foreign country with only a few pieces of her memories. She's probably been trying to fill in the blanks by torturing low level associates. We know the whole story and we know where the doctor is so we might be able to get to him before she does. We'll use him as bait." I say, unbuckling my seat belt right as the driver pulls into the driveway of the property.

We all get out of the car and Milo's smile goes wide. I sigh. "Don't even think about it Milo. We don't have time to sightsee. Let's just set up and head out to get our girl. When we get back, I'll ask her to show you around." I bribe and Milo pouts like the child he is before handing his camera to sam.

A big part of me feels bad for how we've treated him. Ever since we were little kids he'd stick on to Amaris like glue and the attention she gave him made Aiden and I jealous. To get back at him for stealing her away, Aiden and I started leaving him out. It wasn't until she was gone that we realized just how much he needs her.

Don't get me wrong, we all love Amaris and we couldn't live without her but I think she's something else to him. A sense of security and safety. Now I realize that Amaris, even at a young age, must've known that he needs a little more attention than Aiden and I do.

I smile at him and gesture with my head for him to walk with me. Aiden comes up beside him as well and we walk down the long driveway to the house. "I'm sorry, Milo." I tuck my hands into my pockets and keep my head forward to stare at the gorgeous two story house that's covered in vines.

"Sorry for what?"

"For how I treated you."

"For how we treated you. I'm sorry too, man." Aiden adds.

I finally look at him and when I see his confused expression I elaborate. "Ever since we were kids, Aiden and I kind of formed our own little partnership and we left you out. I know you don't really talk about it much and I don't know if it's because you don't care or if it's just because you don't want to make things weird but i'm sorry. I love you and I'm sorry if I've made you feel like anything less than my brother."

His eyes widen a bit and he smiles.

"What he said." Aiden says, bumping his arm playfully. "We were just jealous of your relationship with Amaris but we see now how much you need her. How much we all need her. I know it doesn't mean much since we're killers and all but I'd kill for you, bud."

"I appreciate it. I love you guys too." Milo says before hugging us both. We all turn to the click of a camera when we see Sam standing there with Milo's camera in his hand and a smile on his face.

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