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I just got home from an assignment and I walk outside to see Amaris laying out by the pool in a orange bathing suit that would look so much better on the floor of my bedroom.

It's a week later and we've moved into the new mansion we just bought. The aesthetic is pretty much the same. The only difference is that this house is way bigger and has much more security. Oh and let's not forget the second playroom that's for a different kind of play.

"Hey princess." I say with my eyes roaming over her perfect body. Whatever higher power made her definitely deserves my prayers. Her pretty brown skin glows in the sun like it was made just for her. Her beautiful stretch marks look like tiger strips, curving around her hips and ass.

"Hello Aiden." She says, looking up at me with a devious smile on her face.

"What are you doing out here." I ask her, tilting my head.

"I was thinking about going for a swim." She says, shrugging.

"Amaris you can't swim." I say, furrowing my eyebrows.

"How hard could it be?" She says, getting up from the chair and walking to the edge of the pool. Is she-

"Amaris don't." I warn.

"You'll save me right?" She says, turning around so her back is facing the pool and putting her arms out to her sides. "Save me Aiden." She says before closing her eyes and falling backwards into the pool.

"Damn it." I rip of my tie and dive in after her. I open my eyes underwater to see her looking back at me with a smile on her face. I definitely need to get her to see a psychiatrist.

I dive up to her and grab her by the waist, taking her up to the surface. We both gasp for air and she laughs. I can't help but laugh with her. She's so intoxicating.

"Amaris what the fuck is wrong with you. You could've drowned."

"I knew you would save me." She whispers before pulling me in for a kiss. Her lips are so soft. So perfect.

She pulls away and licks her lips. "I want you to teach me how to swim." Anything you want.

"Okay princess."

I spent the last three hours or so teaching Amaris how to swim and it was sweet torture. Now I need a cold shower but she's in my room looking at me with her "fuck me" eyes.

"I'm not fucking you until you're cleared by your doctor Amaris." I tell her with a blank look on my face.

"Okay. Then you can just watch." She says, slowly taking off her top.

"Amaris." I warn, trying to keep my eyes on hers.

She backs up into my bed and sits down, taking off her panties. I take a deep breath and my eyes roam over her body, landing on that sweet pussy which is currently soaked. She keeps her eyes on me and trails her fingers down her body, landing on her pussy before she sticks her finger in and moans.

Fuck it.

I walk over to her and she smiles up at me, knowing she's won. I gently push her back on the bed so I can have better access to her and kneel down at the foot of the bed. I place small kisses on her inner thighs and make my way to her perfect pussy. I lick her and she moans, making my dick jump in my pants. She leans up and puts her hand in my hair, lightly tugging. I don't know if it's the taste of her skin or the taste of her pussy but she tastes like shea butter and strawberries. I could lick her forever.

I flatten my tongue and put her legs over my shoulders. I move my head upward and pull away when I reach the top of her pussy before doing it again, making sure to use as little pressure as possible. She tugs harder and moans louder, chasing her orgasm. I keep the same pace and pressure, squeezing her thighs. This just might be my favorite thing to do. The sound of her moans drive me crazy.

"Fuck, fuck, Aiden!" Amaris yells, coming on my tongue.

She throws her head back and quickly removes her shaking legs from my shoulders. She curls up into a ball and grabs at the sheets. I stand up and get on the bed, crawling over to her. "Princess you okay?" I ask, trying to hide the amusement in my voice.

"I'm okay. I'm just waiting for my soul to re-enter my body." She says, sighing and I laugh, kissing her neck. She moans and I do it again.

She uncurls her body and kisses me. She brings her hands down to unbuckle my belt and pulls my hard dick out. Her smile falls and her eyes go wide.

"Oh." She says looking at me. "Okay, yeah I see why you wanted to wait until I'm healed."

I laugh "Don't worry gorgeous. I just want to make you come on it." I say, laying down on the bed and pulling her on top of me. "Make yourself feel good princess." I say, rubbing the head of my dick and letting it fall on my stomach.

She traces the thick vain up to the tip and sits on top of it, sliding from base to tip.

I grip her waist, moving her back and forth. "That's it princess, just like that." I say, keeping eye contact with her.

She grinds harder and throws her head back. She's perfect. I bring my hands up to play with her nipples while she grinds on my dick.

"Does that feel good?" I ask and she nods.

"Use your words princess." I tell her.

"I-" she moans and I spank her right breast.

"Answer me." I say, bringing my hand down to her ass and squeezing.

She looks at me with half lidded eyes. "Fuck yes. So good."

I smile and sit up, weaving my left hand into her hair. I pull her head back and kiss her neck, cupping her ass with my right hand to keep her grinding against me.

"Aiden." She moans and I almost lose it at the sound of my name on her lips.

"Be a good girl and come for me princess." I whisper against her neck and she does just that.

She wraps her legs around me and continues to grind as she comes on my dick for the second time. "Oh fuck, Aiden."

When she's finished she let her head fall to my shoulder. "Thank you." She says placing small kisses all over until she gets to my neck. "Your turn." She says, lifting her head and wrapping her hands around my dick.

"Scoot back." She says, smiling at me and I do as she says.

"You can come in my mouth." Is all she says before she lays flat on her stomach and opens her mouth. She sticks her tongue out and licks the tip of my dick before taking it into her mouth. I groan and let my head fall back. Fuck her mouth feels amazing.

I force my eyes open, wanting to watch her. She looks up at me and takes me deeper into her mouth. I pull her curls up and hold it in a ponytail with my hands so that it's not in her face. I push up further, hitting the back of her throat and she gags.

She keeps her eyes on mine and starts to play with her pussy. She moans and brings her other hand up to lightly squeeze my balls.

"Fuck. Just like that princess. Such a good girl." I praise.

She closes her eyes and moans again, tipping me over the edge and I come in her mouth.

She licks her lips and kisses the tip of my dick before I pull her up by the throat and kiss her hard. "You're perfect."

"So are you." She giggles and collapses on top of me.

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