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"Amaris get up."

"Mmmm" I groan and stir awake.

I wake up to a very upset Cassius and Milo. Great, this is great.

I sigh and pull the black covers over my face, hoping they'll go away. Guess what? That doesn't work. Milo pulls the covers off of me and grabs me by the ankles, pulling me to the foot of the bed.

"Milo!" I giggle and try to crawl away but Cassius wraps his arms around my stomach and pulls me off of the bed.

"Didn't I say no sex?" He whispers in the back of my neck and I shiver.

"He was gentle and there was no penetration. I promise. Unless you count his tongue as penetration."

He bites my neck and I laugh. "I called the doctor here to clear you. He's outside."

Aiden stirs awake and searches the bed for me before looking up at us. Milo is glaring at him and even though my back is to Cassius, I'm sure he's doing the same.

Aiden stretches and sighs "I know I fucked up okay but I didn't hurt her. She wasn't in any pain." He says, winking at me.

Cassius turns us around and carries me out of Aiden's room princess style and my other two boys follow. When we get to the living room I see a slightly terrified doctor. What did Cassius say to him?

"Hello Ms. Jade" he says smiling and I look around before realizing he's talking to me. Seeing as I just woke up seconds ago, I'm sure it's perfectly acceptable that I forgot my alias.

"Oh hello doctor." I say, smiling back at him.

Cassius sets me down on the couch and the doctor asks me to lay back for my examination. It's only then that I realize the only thing I'm wearing is a pair of black panties that Aiden went to go get out of my room and one of his big t-shirts.

"Why does she need to lay down?" Milo says from behind the doctor and the doctor turns around.

"I-i need to check her scar." The doctor says, looking up at Milo who towers over him by more than a few inches.

Apparently I had some internal injuries so they cut a scar into the side of my stomach and went in endoscopically to fix the problem. It's a tiny scar and it doesn't hurt much. My shoulder is the problem. They had to cut it to get the bullet out since it didn't go through and there's still some residual pain.

"Milo go get pants." Cassius orders and Milo rushes to go get pants.

"You turn around" Aiden points at the doctor and he does as he's told. I sigh but I know better than to argue with them.

Milo comes back with the pants and hands it to Cassius who pulls me to my feet, sits on the couch and pulls me between his thighs. He places my hands on his shoulders so I can steady myself and taps my right foot so I could lift it up. He then proceeds to put the sweats on me like I'm a toddler.

"You know I can dress my self right?"

"Hush." He says and I put my hand on my heart. "Cassius are you silencing a black woman?" I say, with my mouth hanging open.

He shakes his head at my extremely funny joke and spins me around, smacking my ass. "She's all yours doc."

I lay back down on the couch and put my legs on Cassius's thighs. The doc turns around and walks over to me. He lifts my shirt and examines my scar. "Any pain?" He asks.

"Nope." I say truthfully.

"Wow. You healed faster than I thought you would." He says. What is that supposed to mean? I thought we were friends doc. I'm truly disappointed in his lack of confidence in me.

He moves to my shoulder and presses down. I wince internally and pray the boys didn't see any pain on my face. "How about here? Any pain?"

"Nope." I lie and Cassius squeezes my leg. I roll my eyes "No pain doc. I'm okay." I know I shouldn't lie but I want sex and if they see weakness, i'll never get it.

"Okay great! You've healed up nicely. I'm impressed." He says pulling my shirt back down.

"We'll I've always been an overachiever." I say winking at him.

"Okay we're done here." Aiden says walking up to doc as Milo and Cassius scowl at him.

Ugh what is this? Discovery channel?
"Sooooooooo, can I have sex now?" I ask the boys with a big smile on my face.

Cassius smiles and pulls me onto him so that I'm straddling his lap. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He says, kissing my neck.

"Yes." I moan and start moving my hips.

I feel hands snake around my neck and tip my head back. I'm pleasantly surprised when Aiden slips his tongue into my mouth. Another pair of hands grab my neck, pulling me forward and when open my eyes I see it's Milo who is now standing behind Cassius. He bends down from behind the couch and kisses me hard and I moan in his mouth. Aiden pulls me off of Cassius lap away from Milo and starts undressing me. I see the other two boys scowling at him and I sigh.

"Okay stop. I know this is a little weird but this won't work if you guys can't work together. You have to love me as a team. If the sex part is too much then we can have sex separately." I say and look between them.

They look at each other and nod before Aiden speaks up "No princess. We can work together." He says, coming up behind me and kissing my neck.

I've read book about polygamy before and I was expecting this to be easy but they've never done anything like this and they're equally possessive. I should've known there'd be a catch to this whole "multiple boyfriends, multiple orgasms" thing. Although we're best friends and have been super close since we were little, I don't think they fully understood what they were signing up for when they came up with the idea for me to date all three of them.

Cassius removes his shirt as well and his sweats and boxers before sitting back down and manspreading on the couch. Holy shit. His upper half is covered in tattoos but my eyes are drawn to one in particular that says "promised by God". The tattoo goes up the side of his torso and I remember seeing it before on someone else.

I turn to face Aiden "take off your shirt."

He does as he's told and I see the same tattoo on the side of his torso. I turn to Milo "You too. Take it off." Milo does what I say and I see the same tattoo.

I look between them "why do you all have the same tattoo." I ask out of curiosity, furrowing my eyebrows.

They all just stare at me.

Milo finally decides to speak up "it's for you."


"Yes. You. Amaris means promised by God" he says walking from around the chair and towards me. I unknowingly step back and Aiden stops me from going any further. "Don't run princess."

Breathe Amaris. It's just tattoos.

Milo places a hand on my cheek "It was our first tattoo. We all knew we were in love with you years ago. That's how we know this will work."

I lean into his touch and sigh. "I- I need to go freshen up."

I walk away from them and toward the bathroom. I make all the necessary preparations for mind blowing sex before looking at myself in the mirror. "You can do this. You deserve to let people love you Amaris."

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