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"I still think you should change," Milo says laying on Amaris's bed. "Why don't you just wear sweats? We're at home, you don't need to dress up."

"I'm not changing. Shouldn't you be showering? The guests are arriving in thirty minutes," Amaris says, putting on some multi-colored heels. Why is the bottom red if the top is black? Weird.

I got dressed before everyone else so I came in here to hang out with my best friend while she gets ready but Milo won't leave. I wonder if he's aware of how much he clings to her. I mean he was clingy before she left but after she came back he's been unbearable. The weird thing about it is that Amaris doesn't even seem to mind.

I will say though, I agree with the idea of an outfit change. Not because I have the right to an opinion but because if one of our guests looks at her a little too long in the tight black dress she has on, at least one of her three boyfriends will start a war. Not that I would ever voice this opinion. She would probably break my nose.

"Sam, can you please toss me that lotion from behind you," Amaris says, sitting down on the bed beside Milo. I turn to grab the lotion and toss it to her. She raises her hand and grabs the bottle out of the air before hitting Milo in the head with it. "Go get ready. Now."

She starts to lotion her skin as Milo leaves and I go to sit next to her. "Did you call Aunt Joyce?" I ask, taking some of her lotion to rub on my hands. Amaris once told me that I was 'ashy' and that for her to not look crazy by association, I must lotion my skin.

"Yeah, she's almost here," she says turning to me, inspecting my face, and rubbing the excess lotion from her hands onto my forehead. Is my forehead 'ashy'?

She sighs and I'm assuming it's because I'm not moisturized but then she speaks. "Sammy you need to get laid." Huh?

"What? Where did that come from?!"

"I was just thinking about how long it's been since I got laid and how good it's going to feel when I finally do get laid. The boys are treating me like I'm fragile and are not providing me with any orgasmic stimulations right now. I'm sexually frustrated but I also know that it's going to happen so the anticipation makes it bearable."

She furrows her brows and holds my chin. "But you?! You have no anticipation. You have no light at the end of the tunnel. I'm worried you'll shrivel up and die from a lack of fornication."

She fake pouts and I burst out laughing. She laughs with me and slaps my back. "I'm serious! This is not a joking matter. Ooooh, I know. Maybe you should bring someone with you on vacation." I stop laughing.

"What do you mean? I'm coming with you?" Now she's the one to stop laughing. Her face contorts as if she's confused.

"Of Course Sammy. I would never go on vacation without you. You're my bestie." She says, lightly tapping my shoulder with hers. The fact that I have her love is beyond me. Sometimes I wish I had it sooner but then I think that's being too greedy. Either way, I'm grateful I have it now.

"Thank you," I say putting my head on her shoulder. I'm glad she's taking me. I honestly couldn't be apart from her. "But I'm not bringing anyone." She should only be surrounded by the people she loves.

"Fine. But I'm still getting you laid." She leans her head on mine and hums like she's thinking. After a few seconds, she jumps up off the bed to stand in front of me and I almost fall to the side.

"Ooooo you know who would be perfect?! Do you remember the girl coming today?"

"What girl?"

"She is the only girl coming today. She's only twenty-two and she's already the leader of her own branch. You did some research on her and I sneaked a peek at her picture. She's so pretty! She's perfect for you!"

"No. I'm pretty sure she hates men," I say crossing my hands behind my head and laying back on the bed.

"How do you know?" She asks in a bored tone.

"She's never been in a relationship and her Twitter bio says 'I hate all men"



A knock at the door. Thank heavens! Amaris has been trying to find me someone to sleep with for the past twenty minutes.

"Come in," She yells and the door creaks open. It's Jerome. He's wearing a blue suit like mine but he has on a white t-shirt underneath with a gold chain and some white sneakers whereas I have on some loafers, silver rings, and a white button-down shirt.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. Your aunt is here."

"Ah. Okay." Amaris grabs my hands and pulls me off the bed to trail behind her.

When we get to the living room we see her talking to Aiden and Cassius. She straightens Cassius's collar and picks lint off of Aiden's suit before spotting Amaris. As if they are forgotten, she pushes them aside and walks over to Amaris, pulling her into her embrace.

"Hello, grim."

"Hi, baba."

"How are you my sweet thing?" Aunt Joyce asks, hugging her tighter. If Amaris feels the slightest bit suffocated, she doesn't show it.

"I'm okay. How are you?" Amaris asks and she seems a little scared for the answer. I think she feels guilty that her aunt chose to spare her father's life for her sake rather than take revenge for her sister.

Aunt Joyce pulls back to look at her face. "I'm okay as long as you're okay, grim. You matter more than anything in this world." I don't know her well enough yet but I'd bet my life she means every word.

Amaris must think so too because she smiles. Really smiles before hugging her again. "Thank you."

"You! Come here!" Aunt Joyce yells and I look in the direction she's pointing to see Milo. She lets go of Amaris and walks over to meet Milo halfway. "What's this I hear about you clinging onto my niece every second of every day?"

I'm not sure if he's scared or confused but Milo looks at Amaris then at me then at Jerome and then finally at his two best friends.

"Don't look at me. I didn't say anything," Aiden says.

"Okay, relax. I only asked her if the behavior was normal or if we should have you see a doctor since you never tell us anything. I was worried about you."

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," Aunt Joyce says, turning his chin so that he's facing her. "What's going on?"

"Nothing! I promise. I just want to be around her all the time. Is that so crazy?" Milo asks, looking around with a look on his face that says anyone who doesn't feel the same way is the abnormal one. "Besides, I've always been like this!"

"Nope. It's gotten worse." Aiden.

"Definitely gotten worse." Cassius.

"Okay, leave him alone. I don't mind. I think it's cute." Amaris says walking over to him. "Baba, he's fine. I'm the one who left. He's like this because of me. All of them are." 

"Cassius, you've gotten more sensitive. Now you wince when I yell at you and you want me to tell you I love you a million times a day. Aiden you've been watching me like a hawk. A few days ago I got up to use the bathroom and you waited at the door until I was done and walked me back to bed. You've all gotten clingy. The only difference with Milo is that he doesn't try to hide it." Amaris says, rubbing Milo's back.

Milo, the little devil, grins at her and pulls her to his body. The look he gives Aiden and Cassius says he's untouchable as long as he has her. He's right. Amaris glares at anyone who tries to argue.

"It sounds like all of you need to see a therapist," I say under my breath, walking over to the couch. I might be the sanest person in this house.

"It'll be fine. They'll have me to themselves for a whole three weeks. That should help a little," Amaris says and Aunt Joyce rolls her eyes.

"Three weeks might not be enough. Speaking of this vacation, I want all the details sent to me and I expect you to call me every day grim."

"Yes, Baba."

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