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Long fingers trace the edge of my face and tuck my curly hair behind my ear. I close my eyes and lean into the comfort of her touch.

"You're mine forever Amaris." I open my eyes to look at the grim reaper and bring my hand up to trace the smooth skeleton that is her face. "I know." I whisper and look away from her.

She tilts my head up "Have I not been there for you? Hmmm? Have I not always protected you?" She asks, looking at me with glowing blue eyes. I'm surrounding by dead trees and dried up oceans. Clouds decorate the sky and thunder strikes behind her.

"Yes." I say, with a tear spilling down my cheek.

"I'm the only one you'll ever need Amaris. It's you and me forever."

"You and me forever." I say, completely hypnotized by her.

"Good girl." She says before breathing life into me. She opens her mouth and blue fames flow out of her and into me, filling me with a burning sensation. I try to fight it and she places her hands on the sides of my face, holding me in place. My eyes widen and tears continue to spill down my face as I struggle to breathe. Eventually the blue flames cease and the grim reaper falls to the ground. Suddenly nothing hurts anymore and I feel like i'm invincible. A smile forms on my face as I crouch down to pick up the reapers scythe.

"Thank you." I whisper and take one last look at her before standing and walking into the empty distance.

My eyes fly open and I sit up, frantically looking around before realizing I'm in my room. I sigh and plop back down on my bed.

"Bad dream?"

I furrow my brows and quickly grab the knife from under my pillow. I slide off of my bed and stand up. A body comes out from the shadows and moves towards me. I advance towards the figure and slash with my right hand but my attacker dodges and grabs my hand. I quickly drop the knife and catch it with my left hand before bringing the knife up to their throat.

A groan escapes my attackers lips. "You know knives aren't my thing bug. If you're going to kill me, the least you could do is set me on fire."

I sigh and pull back "Seriously Cas? I could've killed you." I say before walking back over to my bed to put my knife back under my pillow.

Cassius comes up behind me and presses his body against mine. "I'd be honored to die by your hands."

I can't help but smile and lean back into him. "Careful what you wish for." I say, turning around to look at him. The moon light only enhances his features. I take a minute to look at him and my eyes move from his pretty grey eyes to his sharp jawline and then to his full pink lips. I bring my hand up to trace his face, and he kisses the inside of my palm.

"What are you doing in here Cas?" I ask him.

"I like to watch you sleep." He says backing me up until I hit the bed. He places his hands on my hips and gently lays me down on the bed. "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

My breath hitches when I feel his hands trailing up my body. "Do you do that a lot? Watch me sleep?"

"Only when I can't sleep. Maybe a few times a week." He says tilting my head to the side so he can kiss my neck.

I laugh "That's creepy."

He hums against my skin and lifts his head to place a kiss on my lips. He plays with my nipples through my big SpongeBob t-shirt before lifting it over my head. He smiles down at me and makes his way down my body, placing small kisses all over. He bites down on the top of my underwear and pulls it off of me.

"Did Emily teach you that?" I tease and he gives me a death stare.

"You have a smart mouth. I should really do something about that." He says, gripping my jaw.

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