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The first stimulant added was a butt plug. It was paired with the second vibrator and he upped the setting every time I closed my eyes or looked away from him. As you can imagine, I didn't last long. I screamed again and he added another stimulant with the third toy. This time it was nipple clamps. I failed again and the next stimulant was a toy in my mouth with the fourth toy in my pussy.

Finally, this time I didn't scream. I kept it in my mouth to stifle my screams and he let me. That brings us to our fifth and final toy. "What do you want to use, baby?"

I try to catch my breath while I look over the toys in the bag. I can feel my pussy pulsating at the thought of cumming again but I don't want it to be a toy that sends me over the edge. "Your mouth," I say, looking up and smiling at him and he laughs. The way he laughs sends a jolt straight to my pussy and I moan.

"You want my mouth, princess?" he asks and I nod. "That's more of a treat for me than it is for you," he says, letting his eyes roam over my body. It doesn't take long for that same devilish grin to spread across his face and I know whatever he says next will probably make me suffer. "How long can you hold your breath?"

Aiden was a sweet child, kind. He always loved doing stuff for me. Milo clings on to me and loves it when I make him feel special. He sees me as his safe haven. To Cassius, I'm his obsession, something that he can't live without, something that he needs. But to Aiden, he sees me as a pet, something he wants to control. He's precise in the way he treats me. Loving me just as much as he controls me. Making me feel good just as much as he punishes me. 

When we were kids, he'd do things like try to braid my hair as I slept or plug my game in when it was dead in case I wanted to play on it later. He'd memorize my sleep schedule so he could run my bath and warm my clothes for me right before I woke up. He'd also annoy me into reading at least ten pages a day and strongly suggest that I wear shoes when playing outside. I always acted like I didn't like it but I did. It provided stability. He was young but he took care of me. Now his little habits have grown into something much more monstrous. He gets off on controlling my life. My missions, my training, my associates, and most importantly, my pleasure.  

I'm sure the fact that he has to share me with Cas and Milo makes his desire to control me when it's his time, much more intense. He wants to punish me, he wants to pleasure me, he wants to control me, he wants to own me and lord help me, I want to let him.

Aiden reaches down and places his hand between my thighs, slowly stroking me. He trails down to grip one of my thighs and flips me over. The water splashes one second and the next, I'm facing Milo with my ass up in the air towards Cassius. Milo licks his lips and looks me over before looking into my eyes. He's ready to fuck me, I can tell. I smile up at him "Hi, Bubba" Aiden smacks my ass and I jolt from the pain.

"Don't look at him. Look down at your reflection," he says, soothing the pain on my ass. "When I lick you, put your head underwater. Every time you come up for air, I stop." Aiden gets in the tub behind me and sits down. His legs slide under me and he pulls my ass up higher to reach his mouth. I can see his dick. It's right there. In front of me, under the water. I want to taste it again. 

Before I can ask him if I can lick him, his mouth is on my pussy. I breathe in, close my eyes, and put my head underwater. He starts at my sensitive clit. I move away slightly from him and he tightens his grip around me, putting me back in place. His mouth- it feels really good.

I hear mumbling and it must be Cas and Milo talking because Aiden is completely focused on driving me crazy. My hearing is dull, my eyes are closed, I can't breathe and I can't speak, the only sense I can focus on is touching and feeling. It makes what he is doing to me feel like the only thing that's tethering me to this world.

I want to keep feeling good but I'm running out of air. I'm so close. He licks and kisses and nibbles and I feel like I'm about to lose my mind but I can't hold on. I whip my head up, my hair flying up and landing on my back. I suck in a deep breath and fill my lungs with air. I'm one second from coming when Aiden pulls away and leaves me on the edge.

He kisses the dimples on my back and rubs my ass cheeks. "Are you okay, baby?"

I'm still breathing heavily, unable to speak so I just nod. When he doesn't spank me I know it's because he understands that trying to speak right now is next to impossible. When I look to the side I see that Cas and Milo have moved. They now stand further back and to my side to take in the whole view. Their hands are on their dicks but they're not moving. The way their chests are rising and falling makes me aware that they were moving just a second ago. Are they playing the game with me? That's so fucking hot.

Aiden puts his mouth back on me when my breathing slows and my head goes back underwater. Damn it. I was so preoccupied by the sight of the other two that I forgot to ask for permission to taste him.

This time he tongue fucks me and again, I fail. While I try to catch my breath he leaves kisses all over. This time I recover faster. "C-can I taste you, Daddy?" the kisses stop and he pauses for a second. 

"Yes, Princess." 

I smile and immediately dip my head into the water. Not wanting to wait until he decides to lick me. This time his tongue follows after I take him into my mouth. I moan at the salty taste of his precum and in turn, he groans into my pussy.

He adds a finger inside of me, curling it to hit my sweet spot and I squeeze him. His mouth never leaves me and his kisses are more sloppy now. My breathing picks up as my breath runs out but I refuse to lift my head before he cums in my mouth.

He leaks more precum into my mouth and I can feel him twitching. He's close. This whole time he's been torturing himself. Watching me as I come over and over without ever trying to coax his own release. He's pent up and he's close. I can do it. I focus on the tip of his dick and his breathing becomes more ragged.

My head feels fuzzy but I decide to focus on the way he's making me feel instead. He starts flicking my clit with his tongue and fucking me faster with his finger. I can feel my pulse in my head and my mind goes blank. I cum on his lips, sucking him harder and he explodes in my mouth.

I'm too tired to pick myself up now so I might drown but if this is the way I go, I'm okay with that. Arms pull me out of the water and spin me around. I suck in the air nearly as hard as I was sucking Aiden's dick just now. 

"Talk to me, princess," Aiden says frantically and I cough with every breath I take. I'm okay. Really, I am. That was one of the best sex experiences of my life. I just- can't catch my breath long enough to say that. So instead, I throw my arms around him and kiss him.

I see cum on the floor when I look over at Cas and Milo. That's good. That's really good. Unfortunately, I don't think I can go anymore. Aiden rubs my back and kisses my neck. "I think I took that a little too far," he says.

"You think? She's damn near passed out." That's Cassius I think. My head is fuzzy. I can't tell.

"It's okay. We can have her tomorrow." Maybe Milo. Whoever it is, it sounds like they're smiling. Plus, this little session gave me some ideas and I want her to be at 100% when I destroy her."

My vision is going dar-

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