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The sound of whistling and screams draw my attention as I set the pile of bodies before me ablaze. I know that whistling. I let the sound lead me to her and walk toward the source. The whistling comes to an abrupt stop and when I see my prize she's... not Amaris.

She's Amaris but she's different. She's neither her dark side nor her bright side. The look on her face is one I haven't seen before. A look that says she's finally gained control over the two halves. This, I can imagine is a result of her seeing Sam on the ground, laying in a pool of blood.

What happened to sam? More men are here. Aiden still holds a knife to the neck of Amaris's father. Milo stands beside him. Laila, someone with a gun, and about twenty swordsmen stand facing them. Amaris, my poor Amaris stands still, staring down at Sam. No one seems to see her. Milo tries to step towards Sam but the man next to Laila points a gun to his head.

"Sam?" Amaris says softly and everyone else finally notices her standing there. "Get up, Sammy." Laila and her men draw their swords. She's in shock. I have to get to her.

I have to get to her but there are more men coming toward me. I pull out my gun and start shooting, keeping my attention on her. Two of the swordsmen advance toward her but she just stands there. Frozen. As if she's waiting for something. We all yell for her to snap out of it but she still doesn't move.

"I said get your ass up, Sam!" She belts loud enough to even distract the men coming my way and as soon as I kill the remainder of them I see what she was waiting for.

Sam gasps loudly and his eyes fly open. He coughs up blood and cries out in pain before looking up at Amaris and pointing behind her. Amaris takes a breath of release before turning around at the last minute and slicing through the two swordsmen.

More men run towards her and I yell her name. She throws me one of her blades when I get closer and we stand back to back. "Are you okay, bug?"

"I'm fine. I need to check on Sam," She says, her voice shaking.

"Go. I'll handle them." I say as the swordsmen get into position. Amaris tries to go to Sam but the man next to Laila pulls out a second gun and points it at her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm very fond of your father but I wouldn't hesitate to kill you." Laila says, walking over to stand in front of Sam. "Tell them to let him go and I'll hand this one over to you."

Amaris looks from Sam to her father and before she could speak, a bullet flies past her head and rips through the skull of the man holding the two guns. Milo takes the opportunity to rush over to us and Amaris gives him her other sword. I signal for Jerome to keep his gun trained on Laila and a red dot appears on her forehead.

Laila twitches to lift her sword but rethinks her decision when she realizes her position. Amaris rushes past her and kneels down in front of Sam and I turn back to our task at hand.


"Sam? Sam look at me."

Sam's eyes open again and he looks up at me. "Are you okay?"

Me? He's bleeding out and he's worried about me? "I'm fine. What happened?" I ask him and he coughs again. I know it probably hurts but I already signaled for Jerome to call for help. I just need to keep him talking and awake for now.

"I s-saw she had backup and I w-wanted to warn you."

"You big idiot." I curse him and I can't stop the tears from falling down my face.

"I know. I'm sorry boss. Forgive me?" He says, bringing his bloody hand up to wipe my cheek, and I bite his finger. He makes a sound and I can't tell if he laughed or coughed but I'm glad he's awake.

"Fine but you do not have my permission to die, do you hear me?"

"Okay." He smiles. The doctor we called pulls up in the ambulance and rushes towards us. It takes what feels like forever to stop the bleeding and get him inside but when it's done, Sam refuses to leave. Why the hell is he so stubborn?!

"Sam, please. You need to get to the hospital." I plead but my plea falls on deaf ears.

"I'm fine. I want to wait for you. Kill her first and come with me to the hospital so that I know you're safe." I look back to see that my aunt has joined the boys in fighting and as skilled as the swordsmen are, they're almost completely wiped out.

I look at the doctor who looks at me with worry. "How much time before you absolutely have to leave?" I ask him.

"He needs surgery. If we don't leave in at least five minutes he will probably die." The doctor says before looking at Sam.

"See?! I'm fine. We have five minutes." Sam says, reaching out and I take his hand.

"Five minutes."

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