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I wake up to Cassius's giant body suffocating me. Cassius is on top of me, his head laying on my chest and his hands wrapped around me. And just to clarify, when I say chest, I mean that literally as I am a proud member of the itty bitty titty committee.

"Cas I can't breathe." I say tapping his shoulder. I feel like a wrestler trying to tap out.

"Mmm" Cassius groans on top of me and moves his head to the other side.

Cassius has been sleeping in my bed for the past two weeks, much to Milo's dismay, and thank heavens for those pain pills because Cassius has no business sharing a bed with anyone.

"Cas! You're suffocating me and I have things to do." I yell in his ear to wake him up.

He opens his eyes and glares at me "I was dreaming."

"Oh how nice. Maybe you can go dream in your own bed." I say, glaring back at him.

"No. I'm perfectly fine right where I am." He says, closing his eyes again. "Plus, you're not leaving. You need to rest."

"Cas move, I've been healing for two weeks and Milo promised me someone to torture." I say, poking his face.

His eyes pop open "Milo did what?" He springs up off the bed and heads for the door. "You. stay." He says pointing at me. Shit.

I quickly get up and rush after him.

"Are you out of your mind? She's barely healed!" Cassius yells at milo who's sitting at the kitchen counter eating coco puffs.

Aiden comes up and hugs me from behind "Morning princess."

"Good morning" I say, sighing at Cassius's behavior. "Can you please talk to him?"

Aiden takes my hand and walks me over to Milo and Cassius "She's fine Cassius."

"She's not fine. She was in a coma!" Cassius argues.

"It's been two weeks and she's been doing good. Plus, I made her a promise. We'll be right there with her the whole time." Milo says, winking at me.

Cassius mumbles something under his breath and walks away. I turn back to Milo "So... where's my present?" I ask, giving him a big smile.

"Come on." Milo says, getting up and taking my hand to lead me to the playroom. When he opens the door my smile gets even bigger.

Issac Hamilton.

I turn to Milo "How'd you get him? I thought Cas would've killed him by now."

"I knew you'd want to kill him when you got better so I hid him for you." He says, blushing.

"Thank you, bubba" I say reaching up on my tiptoes and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Smart move." Cassius says from behind me and walks in glaring at Issac. Aiden and Milo follow after him.

I walk in and slowly make my way over to him "Hello Issac. It's nice to finally meet you."

Issac is sitting on a chair in front of me with his hands tied and his mouth taped.

I rip the tape off and slowly walk a circle around him, trailing my finger across his shoulder. "You know, the boys always tell me I should just make the kill quick instead of savoring it like I always do and for a while I was really thinking about it because it can take a real toll on the body am I right?" I rant. "I mean torturing is sooo much work."

My face turns serious. "but you're special Issac." I say, stopping and crouching down in from of him. "I have to take my time with you. You've upset me and I'm never upset. Right boys?"

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