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"Hi! How are you today?"

"I'm good! How are you?" I ask the receptionist.

I'm standing in one of the most beautiful resorts I have ever seen. The general hall is to die for and everyone is so friendly. It's a monday morning and the sun is extremely bright so it's not the best day but the amount of greenery is gorgeous.

"I'm doing well, sweetheart." The receptionist says, smiling brightly. This is going to go over really well.

As if on cue, Cassius, Aiden and Milo step in front of me. Sam and Jerome look the receptionist up and down before scanning each exit. Are they looking for possible escape routes? No. They can't be. I told them to behave. Maybe they're just excited to meet new people.

"I will snap your neck." Cassius says and I sigh. So much for them behaving.

"Do you do well with poison?" Milo asks, tilting his head in curiousity.

"How about knives? Have you ever been stabbed?" Aiden asks inquisitively.

Okay. Time for me to stop them. As much as I love to watch them work, we're supposed to be having a different kind of fun.

"Boys." They all turn around to face me. "What did I say?" I ask, putting a hand on my hip. I feel like a scolding parent.

"No threatening." Milo mumbles.


"No killing." Cassius says.

"Or else?"

"No sex." Aiden whispers.

"That's right! No sex. Is that what you want?" I ask, loudly. Hopefully the receptionist takes a hint and hangs on to his life.

"No." They say in unison and smother me with kisses. They keep defying me only to apologize with kisses. I'll have to do something about that. If I keep forgiving them this easily, they'll keep misbehaving.

"And you two, why are you scoping out the exits?" I ask, pinching Sam and Jerome on the cheek.

"We weren't. We were just... taking in the view." Sam says.

"Yeah, promise. Please don't force us to write a 4000-word essay on why squidward is a great friend to spongebob."

"Fine but if you so much as glare at anyone, I'll change it to 5000 words." I look back at the receptionist. He's not a normal receptionist, of course. He's trained in combat and is sworn to secrecy. Anyone who comes to this resort, doesn't.

"Please just take us to our villa now. The reservation is under the name 'Spongebob' and the password is 'dandelions'"

The receptionist nods "Certainly ma'am". He leads us through a secret passage that is opened by tugging on a vine behind the deak. The passageway leads outside to a swirly pavement surrounded by trees.

"This passageway can only be accessed by someone who knows the password you gave me earlier. It is completely safe. There are five staff members who have been assigned only to you. There's a cook, a cleaner, a security guard, a tour guide and myself. You can summon us at any time via your device. If there's a problem the others can't fix, call me."

Cassius scoffs and I elbow him. "Thank you... Edwin." I say looking at his name tag.

He smiles, a little less sheepishly this time and gestures to the private villa. "Here we are. Your bags will be brought in shortly. Again, please feel free to contact me if the need arises. Otherwise, enjoy your stay."

Edwin falls behind as we walk towards the gorgeous house. The boys whistle and I giggle. Seriously, so much green. Everything is so beautiful. The sun is out but the huge amount of trees provides enough shade for me to stand out here for a lifetime.

I look up at them and Aiden picks me up and places me on his shoulders so I can touch the leaves. He shakes me and I laugh, gripping his head tighter with my thighs to stable myself. I flick his forehead and he feigns pain.

He walkes me over to the humongous door and Milo opens it for us. Even on his shoulders, the door is taller than I am. The kitchen counter is made of mahogany wood and it has little plants placed on the ends. Beyond it, there is a staircase made of stone that leads up to the bedrooms. The theme stays throughout the house. The walls and floors are made of beautiful wood and strategically placed stones. All the rooms have floor to ceiling windows looking out into the rainforest.

After claiming the master bedroom for myself, Sam and Jerome stay behind to argue about who should have the second largest room. The bathroom is my favorite thing. The tub is on a circle platform that has glass ceilings and glass windows surrounding it.

"You look like you can't wait to use this room, bug. Shall we give it a go?" Cassius says, plucking me off of Aiden's shoulders.

He puts his arms around me and hugs me tightly, placing small kisses on my neck. "We'll clean you up real good."

God, yes. 

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